Next steps on the NHS Five Year Forward View: Policy Briefing

A Policy Briefing is available for LKS staff to share in their organisations.  Produced by the JET Library at Mid Cheshire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust.  Feel free to reproduce it (with acknowledgement).

What does this mean for libraries? 

  • LKS teams may be affected by changes to organisational structures.
  • There may be an opportunity to deliver evidence and knowledge to managers, commissioners and transformation teams as health care services undergo changes.
  • LKS teams may be expected to work more closely with local authorities and community services as organisations seek integration.
  • New NHS staff will require orientation and training.
  • Patients will be expected to take an active part in their health care which presents an opportunity for LKS to support health literacy and critical thinking skills.

Source: NHS England

Link to main document (including an easy read and audio version)

Date of publication: 31st March 2017

Summary of driver: This document reviews the progress made since the launch of the NHS Five Year Forward View in October 2014 and sets out a series of practical and realistic steps for the NHS to deliver a better, more joined-up and more responsive NHS in England.


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