HEE Quality Strategy 2016-2020

Title of driver:  HEE Quality Strategy 2016-2020

Source:  Health Education England (HEE)

Publication format:  PDF

Date of publication:

Link to main document

Impact on library policy/practice:

  • Work with relevant education departments to ensure that LKS is supporting the needs of all healthcare learners.
  • Offer support and raise awareness of LKS to those healthcare leaners and those responsible for providing and delivering learning.
  • Both of the above should lead to increased awareness in library resources and services.
  • Possibility of collaborative purchasing opportunities with other LKS in order to deliver financial savings and fitting in with the theme of de-duplication and silo working.

Summary of driver:

The HEE Quality Strategy 2016-2020 together with the multi-professional HEE quality framework, set out how HEE will measure, recognise and improve quality in the education and training environment. Together, these are intended to be dynamic documents that will evolve over time to reflect transformation of the healthcare learning environment.

This strategy sets out HEE’s vision of continuously improving the learning environment whilst supporting the ambitions of the Five Year Forward View.

Key features of driver

  • HEE is one organisation with local teams- this strategy attempts to pull everything together into one shared vision and remove duplication and silo working and demonstrate commitment to an education infrastructure.
  • This shared vision with its standards and measures for quality and improvement in education and training will ensure a comparable view between local and national enablement.
  • Improvement in the quality of training will deliver a workforce with the right skillset, values and behaviours to deliver high quality care to patients
  • Ensure value for money, innovation and continuous improvement in the quality of education and training.
  • Demonstration of investment supporting delivery of quality of patient care
  • HEE will align educational infrastructure and leadership with educational investments with local teams offering support to Higher Education Institutions.
  • Promote a culture that maximises learning opportunities across all sectors. This will ensure that all learners will have access to equitable and high quality support during learning which will prepare them for future healthcare careers.

Primary audience: All health and social care providers in England with training and educational responsibilities

Date last updated: May 2017

Due for review:  May 2018

Group member responsible: LK

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