What do STPs mean for NHS/health libraries?

At the NW Library Manager’s meeting on 14th March Tracy Bullock, Chief Executive, Mid Cheshire Hospitals NHS FT delivered a talk about the Sustainability Transformation Plan for Cheshire and Merseyside. As my service delivered a number of evidence summaries for our local STP I have spent a lot of time thinking about how we can support our STP team to deliver their plans; also a key message at the HLG Conference in September 2016.

Talking with library colleagues about STPs at the meeting made me start to think about what the plans might mean for library services. At the heart of most STPs is the transformation of health services to deliver the 5 year forward view, so big change within a short timescale. There are lots of drivers out there such as the Carter Review and Knowledge for Healthcare which are looking at economies of scale and how services can be more efficient.

If you wanted to transform library services for your region or STP area, what would you need to consider? Here are some questions to get you started:

  • If you were to start from scratch, what kind of library service would you design?
  • What would library services look like in your region or STP area?
  • Are there any functions which could be shared or centralised?
  • What are the key services which need to be delivered locally?

With all of this in mind, we have decided to add some new pages to the MAP toolkit to pull together some useful resources around some of the key themes that seem to be coming out of the plans, so watch this space!

  • Accountable Care Organisations
  • Transformation
  • Cross system working/Integrated care
  • Reducing emergency admissions

Please let us know if you have anything to add to this list.

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