NHS Operational Planning and Contracting Guidance

Link to main document:

Publication format:  PDF

Date of publication: 22/09/2016

Summary of driver: This document outlines how NHS operational planning and contractual processes will change to support Sustainability and Transformation Plans (STPs) and the “financial reset”. STPs are a different way of working and are seen as the way forward with partnership behaviours and reducing silo working.

Key features of driver:

  • Streamlining of the annual round of NHS planning and contracting.
  • Move away from annual contracts towards two year contracts as default
  • Priorities and performance assessment – lists nine “must do” priorities, originally listed in 2016/17 and will remain in place for 2017/18 and 2018/19.  These must be delivered within the financial resources available each year
  • Developing operational plans and agreeing contracts for 2017-19
  • Finance and business rules – submission of local finance plans illustrating achievement  financial balance within available resources
  • Specialised services and other direct commissioning- new framework enabling STPs to contribute specialised care to population based health services and outcomes
  • Commissioning in the evolving system – continued evolvement of CCG ‘s role
  • System-wide set of changes in order to ensure NHS can deliver the right care in the right place with optimal value
  • Working with local government/patients/communities and creating wider partnerships with the third sector

List of annexes to support guidance.

  • Annex 1 – The Government’s Mandate to NHS England 2020 goals
  • Annex 2 – The CCG Improvement and Assessment Framework
  • Annex 3 – NHS Improvement Single Oversight Framework
  • Annex 4 – October Guidance on STPs
  • Annex 5 – NHS England and NHS Improvement approach to establishing shared financial control totals
  • Annex 6 – General Practice Forward View Planning requirements
  • Annex 7 – Cancer services transformation planning requirements
  • Annex 8 – Mental health transformation planning requirements

Primary audience: NHS/healthcare senior management, local government, third agency staff, public health staff, commissioners.

Impact on library policy/practice:

  • LKS already work collaboratively across boundaries- opportunities to expand and push to national as well as show in-house how collaborative and partnership working can benefit organisations. Initiative in working closer with LKS colleagues in relevant STP footprint
  • Opportunities to create and strengthen links with CCGs’ as their role evolves and increase
  • Support the Government’s Mandate to NHS England 2020 goals for the NHS to be the world’s largest learning organisation via the provision of resources to enable staff to deliver the required recommendations
  • Support/ provide evidence requests for information on service reconfiguration/collaboration, operational topics / efficiency savings

Date last updated: November 2016

Due for review:  November 2017

Group member responsible: LK

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