What is the MAP toolkit?

The MAP toolkit brings together a number of resources that can be used by librarians to demonstrate impact:

1. A directory of key drivers for change, summarised for your convenience, highlighting how theyse drivers might influence library policy and practice.
2. An ideas capture template to plan library activities which fall outside of your ‘core’ services, such as bespoke services that have been tailored for a specific client group (e.g. journal club), one off library project (e.g. developing a fiction collection), information consultancy work (e.g. records management).
3. A MAP stories template enabling you to write up your project, to demonstrate impact, align library workstreams with the wider objectives of the organisation, share good practice with colleagues and ensure your work is visible to stakeholders and senior managers.
4. Examples of ideas from library services who have used the MAP toolkit and want to share good practice.
5. A number of short Knowledge Management (KM) stories about how library staff connect people leading to great things.
6. Examples of reports, plans and strategies from other libraries that we think have that wow factor!

The resources included in the MAP toolkit can be adapted to meet your local needs and you can use these to support a wide range of library activities, including:

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