Due North: The report of the Inquiry on Health Equity for the North

Source: Report prepared by the Inquiry Panel on Health Equity for the North of England

Link to main document 

Publication format: pdf

Date of publication: September 2014

Summary of driver: This inquiry was commissioned by Public Health England in February 2014, to examine Health Inequalities affecting the North of England. It was led by an independent Review Panel of academics, policy makers and practitioners from the North of England. It  is part of ‘Health Equity North’  created to address health inequalities. It intends to make recommendations to address the social inequalities in health in the North of England compared to the rest of the country.

Key features of driver: The document is split into a number of chapters which cover:

  1. Principles and processes of the Inquiry
  2. Current policy context
  3. Evidence
  4. Making the following recommendations:
  • Tackle poverty and economic equality
  • Promote healthy development in early childhood
  • Increase the influence of the public in allocation of health resources
  • Strengthen the role of the health sector in promoting health equity

Primary audience: Public Health Teams

Impact on library policy/practice: Provide evidence and current awareness services linked to the 4 recommendations

Date last updated: 19th February 2016

Due for review: 19th February 2016

Group member responsible: Tracey Pratchett

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