Quality Placement in Healthcare- Best Practice Guidance

Source:  Link to main document:

Publication format:  PDF

Date of publication: 2015

Summary of driver:

As a result of the national training tariff for education and training, this document was written by Health Education Yorkshire and The Humber (HEYH) in response to requests from non-medical placement providers on best practice in providing high quality placements and learning environments for health care education.

A range of Professional Regulatory and Statutory bodies and regionally agreed benchmarks and criteria were considered when drawing up this document and the relevant links are embedded in the report.

Its intention is to serve as best practice guidance by placement managers to aid review of non-medical placement provision within their organisation, however, it is anticipated that the general themes can also be mapped to medical placements.

Key features of driver:

The document is split into three themes, each listing outcomes/indicators/suggestions for evidence.

  • Theme 1: Whole organisational commitment to, and engagement in education and training for all non-medical professions
  • Theme 2: Provision of high quality practice learning environments across the organisation
  • Theme 3: Innovation and good practice

Primary audience: Those involved in non-medical placement provision in the first instance.

Impact on library policy/practice:

Theme two impacts on LKS policy/practice with the requirement for provision of high quality practice learning environments across the organisation.

Outcome 2b refers to ‘resources available to students in the practice setting with the following indicators:

  • All students to have IT access
  • All students to have sufficient access to learning resources eg. Library journals etc
  • All students to have sufficient and relevant access to physical resources – eg. PCs, desks

This would be good marketing of the physical space of the Library and Knowledge Service within the organisation. There is also the possibility for LKS staff to strengthen support links with mentors.

Date last updated: January 2016

Due for review: January 2017

Group member responsible: LK

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