Providing Evidence for Supplies Group University Hospitals of Morecambe Bay NHS FT

Title of project: Providing Evidence for Supplies Group

Project team: Head of Procurement and Supplies; Productive Ward lead/Senior Nurse;
Clinical Librarian; Nurse Practitioner; Accountant; Practice Educators; Ward Managers; Departmental representatives

Resources required: Clinical Librarian time, literature searching, Supplies account for document supply.

Intranet: Supplies Group rep will manage the Intranet content.

Intranet publishing: CL needs Cutepdf installing on computer – liaise with IT

Timeframe: Ongoing: 2010-2011 initially

Description of product/service: The University Hospitals of Morecambe Bay NHS Trust is committed to providing high quality research based care within the resources available. The purpose of the Trust Supplies Group is to consider the research around the clinical efficacy and safety of clinical items available for use and make recommendations based on clinical and cost effectiveness.

A Clinical Librarian will attend the Trust Supplies Group meetings and will provide a literature searching service to support decision-making around procurement. The CL will summarise the search results and recommendations in an evidence based summary which will be published on the Intranet.

Alignment to local, regional and national drivers:

Trust Business Plan 2010-11: “To provide excellent value for money for tax payers and provide sustained long term financial viability”

National: Productive Ward; QIPP; Operating Framework 2010-2011

McKinsey Report page 37

Intended outcome for customer / organisation / library: Support evidence based practice in purchasing; Raise the library profile; Demonstrate contribution to organisational objectives. The aim of the Trust Supplies Group is to save money and streamline ordering for 2010-2011. The Library contribution promotes evidence based decision-making and demonstrates a contribution to achieving the Trusts savings.

Next steps: CL continued attendance at Trust Supplies Group Monthly meetings; CL present highlight report/update at each full team meeting


  • Deliver evidence summaries when requested
  • Create ‘Supplies’ account for document supply
  • Manage content/update Intranet site
  • Manage status of proposals on Intranet

Update: This project won the Sally Hernando Ward 2011 for Product Innovation and was presented at a Procurement Conference in 2013

Read the case study which has been added to the Toolkit

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