Clinical Librarian Systematic Review : North West Clinical Librarian Collaboration

Title of project: NW Clinical Librarian Systematic Review

Project team: Dr Alison Brettle: Research fellow (Salford University);Michelle Maden-Jenkins; Clinical information Specialist (Edge Hill); Lucy Anderson; Outreach Librarian (Bury PCT); Ros McNally; Librarian (University of Manchester); Anne Webb; Library Operations Manager (Christie); Tracey Pratchett; Clinical Librarian (Morecambe Bay); Jenny Tancock; Clinical Librarian (Morecambe Bay); Debra Thronton; Library manager (Blackpool)

Resources required:

Staff involved: 8 librarians from different organisation throughout the NW. Possible use of library assistants for document supply.

Time: Contributors will be expected to travel to meetings (approx 1 per month), meet with colleagues for small group work and allocate time accordingly. Each member will maintain a diary of time dedicated to the project.

Costs: Refworks; Travel costs; Refreshments; Conference costs

Resources: Grouploop to manage documentation and communicate; Refworks to manage References and share with group; PbWiki – used to supplement Grouploop; Databases – to undertake a comprehensive literature search

Training required: Refworks; Statistics training

Timeframe: Start date: April 2008 – Publication date: 2010
*May continue after publication date in terms of presenting process, reflection etc

Description of product/service: This is a collaborative project involving 8 Librarians from the North West. The project will contribute to the professional body of work relating to Clinical Librarianship by delivering a Systematic review. In addition, the contributors also want to develop their own skills base and understanding of the processes involved and this learning will be shared through a reflective process model.

Alignment to local, regional and national drivers:

Local drivers
UHMBT Strategic Direction Document 2003-8 “We are here to provide … A resource for teaching and research and development, generating new knowledge leading to improvements in population health and in health care delivery”

By learning valuable skills in the systematic review process, this can be translated librarian support and advice for Trust staff undertaking this type of research.

National drivers
Hill review 2008 highlights that health libraries are essential for supporting clinical decision making, commissioning & policy making, life-long learning and research.

By developing skills in this aspect of research, CLs at Morecambe Bay can help to deliver Hill’s view of contributing to these areas.

Intended outcome for customer / organisation / library: By contributing to this regional project, I will further understand research processes and pitfalls involved in undertaking a systematic review. This will enable me to support and collaborate with researchers within my Trust who are interested in undertaking a systematic review.

Next steps: This project was completed and published online in late 2010 and was presented at Health Libraries Group Conference in 2010; winner at DREaM Conference (2012) North West Clinical Librarian Systematic Review and Evaluation Group wins Practitioner Researcher Excellence Award

Brettle et al (2010) Evaluating clinical librarian services: a systematic review Health Information & Libraries Journal Volume 28, Issue 1, pages 3–22, March 2011

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