Leader of the Pack

Lucy Anderson from Pennine Care NHS Foundation Trust tells us how keeping up with Twitter

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has raised the profile of the knowledge service:

I keep up to date with Twitter and regularly read tweets from my Trust. I noticed that a service director had tweeted about how forward thinking one of our falls prevention teams is. I had just done a communication about horizon scanning bulletins and thought I would email him directly to make him aware of the Falls Prevention Horizon Scanning Bulletin.

This caught his interest and he came to see the Knowledge Service team to find out about what we do.

He was just setting up a team to produce ‘data packs’ to inform trust strategy developments. He could immediately see how we could fit in with this team.

The Knowledge Service was invited to be on a working group to produce the ‘data packs’. Accompanying us was Information and Performance, Communications and Finance.

The final ‘data pack’ informed a group of senior managers when they were discussing strategy and business plans. The ‘data pack’ team now know more about each other’s areas of expertise and feel at ease contacting each other. It was great for the Knowledge Service to get exposure with other services linked to Knowledge Management activities.

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