Local action on health inequalities: evidence papers

Title of driver: Local action on health inequalities: evidence papers

Source: Commissioned by Public Health England and prepared by UCL Institute of Health Equity (IHE)

Link to main document 

Publication format: Webpage with links to eight individual evidence reviews and 14 briefing papers

Date of publication: September 2014

Summary of driver: The evidence reviews provide evidence for interventions on social issues that lead to poor health, as well as practical advice in dealing with these issues, and local examples.

Action to reduce health inequalities is central to the work of Public Health England, and health inequalities are a longstanding challenge. Local authority public health teams wanted evidence to support implementation of practical action on health inequalities

The topics covered relate to some of the policy objectives in the Marmot Review and are intended to provide a useful local focus for action.

Key features of driver: The evidence reviews provide useful background information on public health issues, including the impact on measures such as life expectancy, morbidity, or impact on hospital admissions. They also provide case studies of actual interventions, areas where further research is required, and an extensive reference list.

Primary audience: Local authority staff, particularly public health teams and health and wellbeing boards

Impact on library policy/practice: No direct impacts identified

Date last updated: March 2015

Due for review: March 2016

Group member responsible: JC

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