A Framework for Personalised Care and Population Health for Nurses, Midwives, Health Visitors and Allied Health Professionals

Source: Public Health England and Department of Health

Link to main document

Publication format: PDF

Date of publication: 4th July 2014

Summary of driver: The framework forms parts of the public health contribution of nurses and midwives: guidance. It has been developed with practitioners and leaders as a resource to support nurses, midwives, health visitors and allied health professionals’ in the delivery of their public health role. The framework will facilitate their access to the best evidence and is a tool to support practice on a number of levels. It can also assist clinical leaders, managers and commissioners to develop services which use the knowledge and skills of healthcare practitioners to deliver the best health outcomes for the populations they serve. This document recognises that at this point in time, health promoting practice is essential to meet the health challenges in society and is related the Public Health Outcomes Framework and the Compassion in Practice.

Key features of driver:

  • Six key areas of population health activity are listed; Improving the wider determinants of health, health improvement- making every contact help, health protection, healthcare public health, supporting health wellbeing and independence and Lifecourse.
  • Each section has an ‘aim’ which is linked to the relevant indicators in the Public Health Outcomes Framework (http://www.phoutcomes.info/) which can be used to measure impact/outcomes in that particular activity area.
  • Framework will support practice on a number of levels and provide staff with a tool that will help support them in the delivery of the population elements of their role. All staff will gain something from this framework ranging from using the framework to develop services for the local healthcare population to using it to develop local commissioning.
  • Framework supports and shapes health promoting practice and embeds personalised care across all ages and communities
  • Public Health Intervention Wheel (adapted from the Minnesota Department of Health in 2001) demonstrates the use of public health practice at three levels- individual, community and population. It defines the scope of public health nursing practice by the type of intervention.

Primary audience: Nurses, midwives, health visitors and allied health professionals, professional managers (local and regional)/commissioners/researchers and those in other education based roles.

Impact on library policy/practice:

  • Opportunity to ensure that healthcare staff have the relevant up to date evidence via methods such as current awareness bulletins and targeted information delivery (Kings Fund/WHO).
  • Opportunity to develop new outreach links and services to staff in the community.
  • Ensuring that access to the documents/links mentioned is available and signposting access. The framework is an interactive document so users should be able to access the information at the point of need. LKS staff can ensure that access to the links and documents is available.

Date last updated: July 2014
Due for review: July 2015
Group member responsible: LK

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