New Evidence on Management & Leadership

Source: Health Services and Delivery Research Programme

Link to main document

Publication format: pdf (online)

Date of publication: December 2013

Summary of driver: Publication provides key findings from 14 new studies on management and leadership practice within the healthcare

Key features of driver:

  • Gaps identified in current evidence on management and leadership of healthcare called for the commissioning of research into these areas.
  • Studies published in 2013 addresses key questions on the subject
  • Subjects ranged from research into managerial capacity, engaging clinical staff as managers, understanding the work of frontline and middle managers, exploring the nature of leadership and the way in which managers use evidence
  • The research summaries findings from the studies and why they are important. They should help organisations and individuals to understand better the ways in which effective managers improve services for patients

Primary audience: All healthcare staff with managerial or leadership responsiibilities

Impact on library policy/practice:

The library service has a key role to play in the creation and development of specialist resources to help support staff develop effective management and leadership skills

Opportunity to promote resources and services on in-house management and leadership courses and events aimed at such staff groups

Evidence-based training on specialist management healthcare databases

Opportunity to engage with staff groups and set up current awareness services for particular management topic areas

Enables library staff to foster links with learning and development staff to promote courses and seek possible funding for specialist collections

Date last updated: August 2014

Due for review: August 2015

Group member responsible: JW

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