A mandate from the Government to Health Education England

Title of driver: Delivering high quality, effective, compassionate care: developing the right people with the right skills and the right values: a mandate from the Government to Health Education England: April 2013 to March 2015

Source: Department of Health

Link to main document

Publication format: PDF

Date of publication: May 2013

Summary of driver:

Details of the strategic objectives of the Government in the areas of workforce planning, health education, training and development for which Health Education England and the LETBs have responsibility.

It sets out the need for Health Education England to work with a wide range of partners involved to ensure they effectively support the aim of having the right numbers of staff, with the right skills and values, to deliver high quality healthcare and public health.

Key features of driver:

Annex A (p.34) has a number of short-term deliverables for Health Education England to meet, under the following headings:

  • Support for service priorities
  • NHS values and behaviours
  • Excellent education
  • Competent and capable staff
  • Flexible workforce receptive to research and innovation
  • Widening participation
  • Working in partnership – patient voice and local accountability
  • Value for money, transparency and fairness

Primary audience: Health Education England and LETBs (Local Education and Training Boards)

Impact on library policy/practice:

May have implications for the numbers of trainees in different areas, such as emergency medicine, health visiting, dementia care, undergraduate nursing and HCAs.

There are to be minimum training standards for HCAs.

The deliverables could have implications for library stock (for example, more books aimed at HCAs), and the level of support required by different user groups such as HCAs that have not traditionally been major library users.

Date last updated: March 2014

Due for review: March 2015

Group member responsible: JC

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