Berwick review into patient safety

Source: Department of Health

Link to the document:

Update published 6th August 2014 “One year on – reflections from the Berwick advisory group”

Publication format: Website, with further PDFs available

Date of publication: 6 August 2013

Summary of driver:

Don Berwick (founder and former President of the Institute for Healthcare Improvement) led an Advisory Group carrying out a review of patient safety, following the breakdown of care at Mid Staffordshire hospitals.

The report identifies changes that could help the English NHS become even more effective, safe, and patient-centered.

The recommendations of the report are grouped into nine categories.

I)             The overarching goal

II)            Leadership

III)           Patient and Public Involvement

IV)          Staff

V)           Training and Capacity Building

VI)          Measurement and Transparency

VII)        Structures

VIII)       Enforcement

IX)          Moving Forwards

Key features of driver: 

The report envisions the NHS in England moving forward as a learning organisation.  As a result, the overarching principles of the report are that the NHS should be committed to:

  • Placing the quality of patient care, especially patient safety, above all other aims.
  •  Engaging, empowering, and hearing patients and carers throughout the entire system and at all times.
  • Fostering whole-heartedly the growth and development of all staff, including their ability and support to improve the processes in which they work.
  • Embracing transparency unequivocally and everywhere, in the service of accountability, trust, and the growth of knowledge

The report includes the following Appendices:

  • A note on the methodology
  • Letter to Senior Government Officials and Senior Executives in the Health Service
  • Letter to the people of England
  • Letter to the clinicians, managers, and all staff of the NHS
  • A list of Advisory Group Members

Primary audience: Government and NHS England Leaders, NHS Organisation Leaders and Boards and System Regulators

Impact on library policy/practice: To support NHS workers and expand their skills with a commitment to lifelong learning

Date last updated: August 2014

Due for review: December 2015

Group member responsible: LA

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