HCLU Consumer Health Information Website (Health Care Libraries Unit NW)

Title of project: HCLU Consumer Health Information Website

Project Team:

  • Health2Works (web designers)
  • Director of Health Libraries NW
  • CPD & Partnerships Manager


  • General Public
  • Health Providers
  • NHS North West CHI Providers

Resources Required: The project will be managed by the HCLU CPD and Partnerships Manager, Gil Young; under the direction of the Director of the Unit, David Stewart. A sum has been allocated by HCLU to develop the website. All other work will be undertaken by the unit and, at this stage of the project, will not require additional funding.

Timeframe: February 2011 – September 2011

Description of product/service: To create a single point of contact for high quality web based health information for the general public with the emphasis on services located in the North West.

Alignment to local, regional and national drivers: 

Liberating the NHS: Developing the healthcare workforce (white paper) Public Health white paper Nov 2010 Department of Health Information Strategy HCLU strategy

Intended outcome for customer / organisation / library: The main outputs of this project will be: A newly developed website providing access to quality consumer health information for the North West public particularly patients and carers. Marketing materials to aid the advocacy of the services Stronger links between the NHS Libraries and the providers of consumer health information in the North West. A raised profile for HCLU

Next steps: The project will share outcomes and learning with stakeholders and the NHS Library community via the HCLU Web Site, the LIHNN newsletter, briefing meetings and the use of e-mail lists. Contacts across the North West will be encouraged to share information with colleagues in order to raise awareness of the project. The project manager will actively seek out opportunities to share project outcomes, for example sharing knowledge with other libraries and health providers, publications and conferences.

At the end of the project period (September 2011), the website will be handed over to HCLU. A brief end of project report will be compiled, together with recommendations on how the project can be developed further.

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