Supporting health and well-being at work (University Hospital of South Manchester NHS Foundation Trust)

Title of project : Library Services supporting health and wellbeing at work Project

Team Project Lead: Library Manager (1wte)
Project team: Library Team (2.71wte)

Resources Required : Staff time for e.g. selection, acquisition, and processing of resources, trust meetings, marketing, and promotion. (estimate one day per month) Funding via external and/or internal bidding processes Occupational Health Department – recommendations resources, fitness DVDs etc

Timeframe : April 2011 – March 2012 initially but expect it to be ongoing

Description of product/service:

  • Build a collection of books and DVDs to support the wellbeing of hospital staff and students
  • Broaden collection e.g. Wii Fitness loan (through trust Health & Wellbeing Group)
  • Refurbish a section of the library to be a relaxed environment for people to sit in away
  • from their workplace e.g. “comfort zone” or “library breakout” etc.

Alignment to local, regional and national drivers:

  • Trust Health & Wellbeing strategy
  • Healthy lives, healthy people: our strategy for public health in England – provision of reading for leisure supports the health of staff
  • Investors in People – health and well-being is a large component of the IiP gold standard for which this trust is required to provide evidence by March 2012
  • London Olympics – the trust is involved in bringing the Olympics to the Wythenshawe community – fitness DVDs and books and the trust “Fit for Life” initiative support this
  • Working for a healthier tomorrow – Dame Carol Black’s Review of the health of Britain’s working age population

Intended outcome for customer / organisation / library :

  • increase library usage
  • improve the health of workers through reading for leisure
  • improve the health of workers through loan of health books aimed at non-clinicians create an environment conducive to relaxation away from the work place
  • library service to be an essential player within the trust health and wellbeing strategy

Next steps :

  • Utilise bid opportunities and investigate trust lottery funding – ongoing
  • Continue to engage with the designers regarding refurbishment of the “breakout” room
  • Organise additional library space for the collections
  • Add to marketing plan
  • Train staff on new policies and procedures relating to the collection
  • Measure library usage increase, reflect on loan of Wii Fitness and DVDs

Aim is to implemented above by March 2012

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