Introducing Health Education England

Source: Department of Health

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Publication format: PDF

Date of publication: June 2012

Summary of driver: Introducing Health Education England (HEE) Builds on the information provided in Liberating the NHS: Developing the Healthcare Workforce – From design to delivery. It describes HEE’s vision and purpose, values and culture and the proposed organisational and advisory structure.

Key features of driver:

  • To develop a world class workforce capable of supporting a world class health service – meeting the needs of patients and communities
  • To ensure excellence and continuous improvement in the education and training of the health workforce
  • To deliver our objectives through a partnership approach that is underpinned by strong governance and accountability. It is only through a wide partnership – with employers, higher education, professional bodies and Royal Colleges, service commissioners, regulators, Local Authorities and patients – that we can ensure a strategic approach that meets changing needs.

The key functions of HEE are:

  • Providing national leadership for planning and developing the workforce
  • Authorising and supporting development of Local Education and Training Boards and holding them to account
  • Promoting high quality education and training which is responsive to the changing needs of patients and local communities
  • Allocating and accounting for NHS education and training resources and the outcomes achieved
  • Ensuring security of supply of the professionally qualified clinical workforce
  • Supporting development of the whole healthcare workforce, within a multi-professional and UK-wide context.
  • Assisting the spread of innovation across the NHS in order to improve quality of care
  • Delivering against the national Education Outcomes Framework to ensure the allocation of education and training resources is linked to quantifiable improvements
  • Annually publishing and updating a Strategic Education Operating Framework for the whole health-related education and training system in England, setting out national priorities

Primary audience: All NHS Trusts. 

Impact on library policy/practice: HEE will be responsible for managing the Multi-Professional Education and Training (MPET) levy via its 13 Local Education and Training Boards (LETBs). This levy provides approximately 50% of the funding received by NHS library and knowledge services. Chris Welsh – Director of Education and Quality – is expected to lead on library and knowledge services for HEE.

Case studies / Local service profile examples mapping to this driver: None as of 21.8.12

Date last updated: 01.2.13

Due for review: 01.2.14

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