Strategic Clinical Networks

Impact on library policy/practice: Strategic Clinical Networks (SCNs) are designed to encourage provision of clinical advice to support local decision making, making it an ideal system for librarians to share their expertise in terms of literature searching, enquiry services and consolidation of information. The challenge may be

Source: NHS England

Link to main document

Publication format: Web site

Date of publication: Various

Summary of driver: Strategic Clinical Networks focus on bringing improvement in the quality and equity of care and outcomes of their population. They bring together providers and commissioners to make improvements to complex patient pathways using an integrated, whole system approach. They work with commissioners, supporting decision making planning; working across the boundaries of commissioner, provider and voluntary organisations as a vehicle for improvement for patients, carers and the public.

Key features of driver:
The networks are divided into 12 regional areas (Senates) and currnetly focus on the following key areas:

  • Cardiovascular (including cardiac, stroke, renal and diabetes);
  • Maternity, Children and Young People;
  • Mental Health, Dementia and Neurological Conditions;
  • Cancer

The networks also work on cross-cutting themes aligned to the domains of the NHS Outcomes framework

  • Prevention
  • Rehabilitation
  • Parity of Esteem
  • Transition
  • Urgent and Emergency Care
  • End of Life Care
  • Integration

Primary audience: Commissioners and clinical staff.

Date last updated: 6.9.17

Due for review: 6.9.18

Group member responsible: TP

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