Resource of the Month

The Trip medical database

The Trip Medical Database is a smart, fast tool to find high quality clinical research evidence.

Trip is a clinical search engine designed to allow users to quickly and easily find and use high-quality research evidence to support their practice and/or care:

  • Searched over 125,000,000 times
  • Over 70% of clinical questions answered
  • Millions of articles items indexed & uniquely ranked
  • Twenty years of learning & fine tuning

Access the database here. For help with this please email the library team:

Please feel free to download our resource of the month poster and share with your team or within your department.

Library Newsletter

August 2021

The August edition of the Library Newsletter is now available to view here.

Please feel free to download and share with your colleagues and/or department.

If you would like to see any additional features on our newsletter or have any queries regarding information featured in this month’s newsletter, please get in touch by emailing: