Public Health

Keeping up to date with current awareness

Childhood during coronavirus: protecting children from the effects of poverty

Action for Children

This report presents findings from an analysis of applications submitted to Action for Children’s Emergency Fund. It reflects on the socio-economic consequences of the pandemic for children and families and in doing so, the report also considers the recovery measures needed to ensure that children are supported to thrive – both now, and in the months and years ahead. More detail.

It’s everywhere’: alcohol’s public face private harm

Independent Commission on Alcohol Harm

This Commission was set up by alcohol health experts and parliamentarians to examine the full extent of alcohol harm across the UK. In this, its final report, the Commission outlines recommendations for reducing harm and calls for a national strategy for alcohol. More detail.

The broken plate 2020: the state of the nation’s food system

The Food Foundation

This report presents 10 vital signs that document the health of our food system, how it impacts on our lives, and why we must change the food environment. It highlights the struggle for lower-income families to afford a healthy diet, arguing that 20 per cent of households with the lowest levels of disposable income would have to spend 39 per cent of their disposable income in order to eat a healthy diet, as defined by the government’s recommended Eatwell Guide. More detail.

NHS Covid App – over 10 million downloads

Department of Health and Social Care, September 2020

More than 10 million people downloaded the new NHS Covid-19 app between its launch on Thursday 24 September and Sunday 27 September.Six million of those downloads were on the first day.

Surge in people checking their risk of type 2 diabetes

NHE, September 2020

Almost 300,000 people have accessed the tool to check their risk of type 2 diabetes online less than two months after the NHS fast tracked access to its world leading Healthier You Diabetes Prevention Programme. Latest figures show that 291,325 people used the Diabetes UK Know Your Risk tool since the end of July – a 637% increase compared to two months previously.

Public Health

Keeping up to date with current awareness

PHE launches the Stoptober campaign for 2020. – September 2020

This year has seen an increase in both the number of smokers attempting to quit and an increase in the success rate of quit attempts. Stoptober is offering a range of support tools including the Stoptober app, Facebook messenger bot and online communities, SMS and daily emails.

COVID 19 – Vaccination Nuffield Foundation- September 2020

Survey finds 1 in 5 people are unlikely to get vaccinated against COVID-19. The COVID-19 Social Study by UCL researchers showed substantial levels of misinformation about vaccines. 22% of people surveyed said they were unlikely to get a COVID-19 vaccine when approved, with 10% being ‘very unlikely’ and only 49% being ‘very likely’ to get vaccinated.

Healthwatch Report – Covid 19

Shares the experiences the public faced because of the pandemic and how this has affected their experiences using health and social care.

The future of public health

The NIHP and other public health functions

Sets out the government’s plans for protecting and improving the public’s health, including the creation of the National Institute for Health Protection (NIHP).

Click here to access the policy paper.

Public Health Updates

Keeping up to date with current awareness

Cycling to work lowers risk of illness and death compared to driving.
NIHR Evidence; 2020.
(People who cycle to work are at lower risk of cardiovascular disease, cancer and death than those who drive. This is seen across all occupational groups and suggests that cycling to work could benefit people from all economic backgrounds. If fewer people are able to travel by public transport due to social distancing, measures to make cycling easier and safer could improve the nation’s health.)

Lung health checks in supermarket car parks reach older smokers in deprived communities.
NIHR Evidence; 2020.
( Tests carried out on mobile units parked in supermarket car parks were a popular and effective way to check the lungs of at-risk current and former smokers in a study in Manchester.)

Statement from the UK Chief Medical Officers on schools and childcare reopening.
Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC); 2020.
(Statement from the Chief Medical Officers and Deputy Chief Medical Officers of England, Scotland, Northern Ireland and Wales on the evidence of risks and benefits to health from schools and childcare settings reopening. 23 August.)

Drinking in the dark: alcohol labelling is failing consumers.
Alcohol Change UK; 2020.
(In this study we reviewed a random sample of 424 alcohol containers on shop shelves in October 2019 to assess whether labels included the UK’s Chief Medical Officers (CMOs) low-risk drinking guidelines and other essential pieces of information that would allow consumers to make informed choices.)

Recovering from COVID-19: Post viral-fatigue and conserving energy.
Royal College of Occupational Therapists (RCOT); 2020.
(Rehabilitation is fast becoming the new priority in dealing with the impact of this pandemic and is crucial for people recovering from COVID-19 infection. We’ve published three guides to support people to manage post-viral fatigue and conserve their energy as they recover from COVID-19. These guides are endorsed by the Intensive Care Society.)

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Local Government Association

Public health transformation seven years on: prevention in neighbourhood, place and system

The LGA’s 2020 public health annual report showcases examples from 10 areas that demonstrate what can be achieved by public health operating across local government and working closely with the NHS and a wide range of local and system partners.

Read the report here

European Observatory on Health Systems and Policies

How to enhance the integration of primary care and public health? Approaches, facilitating factors and policy option

This policy brief explores how primary care and public health can be brought together to improve the health of patients and populations. It describes the types of initiatives that have been undertaken; provides examples of such initiatives in Europe and beyond; and summarises the factors that can help to enhance or hinder the integration of primary care and public health.


Prevention in the age of information: public education for better health

This report highlights that tackling preventable illness must remain a top priority for the government in the 2020s. More than half of the disease burden in England is deemed preventable, with one in five deaths attributed to causes that could have been avoided. It goes on to argue that any prevention strategy must take into account the way information can be used to promote public health and spread information. 

Local Government Association (LGA)

Loneliness, social isolation and Covid-19: practical advice

The LGA, together with the Association for Directors of Public Health, have produced this guide for directors of public health and others leading the response to the loneliness and social isolation issues arising from the Covid-19 pandemic

Read the guide here

Public Health England

Map roles using the Public Health Skills and Knowledge Framework

The Public Health Skills and Knowledge Framework describes the functions and activities carried out by people working to protect and promote the public’s health across the UK. It can be used to: help individuals to recognise their capabilities in relation to public health activity, enabling them to manage their development and career planning; and support career conversations between individual workers and their peers, supervisors, mentors or managers, to support career planning and progression.

Read the guidance here