Public Health

Current Awareness Updates

Syphilis: Public Health England action plan.
Public Health England (PHE); 2021.

(Addressing the increase in syphilis in England.)

The obesity paradigm and the role of health services in obesity prevention: a grounded theory approach.[Abstract]
Pearce C. BMC Health Services Research 2021;21(1):111.

(The aim of this research was to examine whether and how hospital and community-based health services incorporate adult obesity prevention into policy and practice. An alternative systems-level approach is needed to align health service responses with contemporary approaches that address obesity prevention as a complex problem.)

The impact of household energy poverty on the mental health of parents of young children.
Journal of Public Health; 2021.

(Energy poverty increases the likelihood of depression in parents. These findings merit policy attention since a mental health burden is in itself important, and more widely, parental well-being can influence child development and outcomes.)

Raising awareness of funding for vulnerable two-year-old children.
Social Care Institute for Excellence (SCIE); 2021.

(SCIE is helping the Professional Association for Childcare and Early Years (PACEY) to raise awareness about the 15 hours funded early years provision, particularly to more families who are vulnerable. This programme improves the health, learning and development of disadvantaged two-year-old children as well as being beneficial for the parent.)

‘Do No Harm’: Lived Experiences and Impacts of FGM Safeguarding Policies and Procedures, Bristol study.

(The research reveals worrying evidence that FGM safeguarding policies are inadvertently causing a great deal of harm to families, communities and young girls, both in Bristol and potentially across the UK. Their targeted and heavy-handed approach have increased scrutiny, suspicion and stigmatisation of families in many areas of their lives, from schools, to healthcare, to overseas travel.)

Still not safe: the public health response to youth violence.
The Children’s Commissioner; 2021.

(This report assesses how effectively existing infrastructure within local authorities is being used to deliver a public health approach to preventing gang involvement and youth violence. The Children’s Commissioner concludes that two years on from her last report into this issue and a year after the Prime Minister promised to ‘cut the head off the snake’ of county lines, thousands of children are still not being kept safe.)

Dementia profile: February 2021 update.
Public Health England (PHE); 2021.

(Updated statistics on dementia prevalence, hospital admissions, care and mortality, at the national and subnational geographical areas in England. The dementia profile is designed to improve the availability and accessibility of information on dementia. The data is presented in an interactive tool that allows users to view and analyse it in a user-friendly format.)

Health and Care of People with Learning Disabilities 2019-20.
NHS Digital; 2021.

(The most recent release of the 2019-20 Health and Care of Learning Disability Publication. These are aggregated data on key health issues for people who are recorded by their GP as having a learning disability, and comparative data about a control group who are not recorded by their GP as having a learning disability.)

Statistics on Drug Misuse, England 2020.
NHS Digital; 2021.

[This report presents newly published information on hospital admissions attributable to drug-related mental health and behavioural disorders and on hospital admissions attributable to poisoning by illicit drugs.

The report also provides links to information on drug misuse among both adults and children from a variety of sources, including the National Drug Treatment Monitoring System and the Crime Survey for England and Wales (date range:01 Apr 2019 to 31 Mar 2020)]

Public Health

Current Awareness Updates

How to stop the spread of coronavirus (COVID-19).
Public Health England (PHE); 2021.

(Advice for everyone to help stop the spread of coronavirus (COVID-19).)

Shooting Up: infections among people who inject drugs in the UK.
Public Health England (PHE); 2021.

(This Public Health England report describes the extent of infections among people who inject drugs (PWID) in the United Kingdom.
27 January 2021: Added December 2020 update report, data tables and links to the slide set and infographic.)

Young people’s mental and emotional health: Trajectories and drivers in childhood and adolescence.
Education Policy Institute; 2021.

(Based on data from the Millennium Cohort Study, this report reveals insights into the determinants of young people’s wellbeing, including how it is affected by their relationships, background, and use of social media. The research shows that while the wellbeing of all young people declines by the end of their teenage years, there is a strong gender divide within this: girls see far lower levels of wellbeing and self-esteem than boys – driven by a sharp fall of both during mid-adolescence.)

Engaging men earlier: a guide to service design.
Samaritans; 2021.

(This handbook aims to provide a set of principles upon which wellbeing initiatives for men should be based. It is aimed at anyone commissioning, designing, evaluating or delivering initiatives, services or activities aimed at improving the wellbeing of men.)

Child obesity: patterns and trends.
Public Health England (PHE); 2021.

(Slide sets presenting the latest data on child obesity in England and the 9 English regions. These slide sets present the latest data on child obesity from the National Child Measurement Programme. The national slide set also includes data from the Health Survey for England. Trends in child overweight and obesity are shown and patterns are examined by age, sex, ethnic group, and area deprivation.)

Public Health Outcomes Framework: February 2021 data update.
Public Health England (PHE); 2021.

(The Public Health Outcomes Framework (PHOF) examines indicators that help health and care professionals and the public to understand trends in public health. The data are presented in an interactive tool that allows users to view them in a user-friendly format. The data tool also provides links to further supporting information.)

Public Health

Current Awareness Updates

Health on the high street: Embedding healthy living into urban regeneration after the pandemic Social Market Foundation; January 2021

(This report argues that town centres where shops and offices fall vacant should be used to establish new ‘health hubs’ combining GP surgeries, health and social care services and gyms. The report profiles examples where local authorities and health care bodies are already developing such hubs, which it suggests could be a model for other areas in future)

New Every Mind Matters campaign Public Health England; 18th January 2021

(The new campaign launches to support the nation’s mental health, as half of adults say they are more worried during this current lockdown than in March 2020.)

SACN statement on nutrition and older adults living in the community Public Health England; 20th January 2021

(This position statement by the Scientific Advisory Committee on Nutrition (SACN) provides an overview of the currently available evidence on nutrition in older adults and its impact on healthy ageing. It considers evidence relating to adults aged 65 years and over living in the community.)

Memory aids in parks and gardens for people with dementia.
Carried out by Frankie Marcelline from Brighton and Sussex on 8/1/2021
(This search report contains evidence on the use of memory aids of garden flora in the outdoor setting. Results include a study on Enrico Sassi’s conception of a garden where patients can wander around safely and has memory aids in the shape of vertical structures with fragrant plants and herbs for patients to freely touch, smell and taste. Results include reviews on the effectiveness and more general benefits of gardens as memory aids for those with neurodegenerative conditions.)

National Diabetes Audit – Care Processes and Treatment Targets, Quarterly Data Release, January to September 2020.
NHS Digital; 2021.

(This is the quarterly release of data from the National Diabetes Audit (NDA). It is the mid-year data release for the second extraction of NDA 2020-21 data. It shows progress to date covering the period 1 January to 30 September 2020. It shows partial year progress against care processes and treatment targets. It also provides the latest position on structured education. It therefore can be used as an operational planning tool to assess progress to date.)

Multidisciplinary care of diabetes.
Carried out by Kevin Burgoyne from Brighton and Sussex on 9/1/2021
(Some qualitative and mixed methods research is available on this question, including 3 systematic reviews looking at various aspects related to the question. Case studies from UK networks looking at aspects of wider integrated care have also been found and included in case they can be useful. Foot care seems to be a big driver in diabetes care in the UK at the moment, and there are more publications focused on multidisciplinary care around this which can be retrieved if necessary.)

Effects of Pfizer mRNA vaccine on female fertility.
Carried out by Frankie Marcelline from Brighton and Sussex on 11/1/2021
(It is early days and currently there is no evidence to suggest fertility is affected by the Pfizer vaccine (or any other COVID-19 vaccine). There is guidance and advice on being vaccinated while pregnant, but nothing on long/short term female fertility.)

Daily contact testing in schools: statement from PHE and NHS TT about next steps.
Public Health England (PHE); 2021.

(Position statement regarding daily contact testing for coronavirus (COVID-19) in schools from Public Health England and NHS Test and Trace.)

Predictors of COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy in the UK Household Longitudinal Study.
Robertson E. medRxiv 2020;:doi:
(Herd immunity may be achievable through vaccination in the UK but a focus on specific ethnic minority and socioeconomic groups is needed to ensure an equitable vaccination programme. This article is a preprint and has not been peer-reviewed.)

Learning from the first wave of COVID-19.
South Yorkshire and Bassetlaw Integrated Care System; 2020.

(A new research-led report details how health and care partners across South Yorkshire and Bassetlaw were able to continue delivering non-essential patient care and services during the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic through digital innovation, reconfiguring services and enhanced partnership collaboration.)

Please contact if you are struggling to access any research articles.

Public Health

Current Awareness Updates

Everybody active, every day: framework for physical activity.
Public Health England (PHE); 2021.
(An evidence-based approach for national and local action to address the physical inactivity epidemic. 8 January 2021: Added report ‘Muscle and bone strengthening activities for children and young people (5 to 18 years)’.)

SARS-CoV-2 genomic sequencing for public health goals: Interim guidance, 8 January 2021.
World Health Organization (WHO); 2021.
(This document provides policy-makers and stakeholders with guidance on how to maximize the public health benefit of SARS-CoV-2 genomic sequencing activities in the short and long term as the pandemic continues to unfold. This guidance focuses on SARS-CoV-2 but is applicable to other pathogens of public health concern.)

Inclusion health: applying All Our Health.
Public Health England (PHE); 2021.
(Guidance to help health professionals prevent ill health and promote wellbeing of individuals in inclusion health groups. This resource includes guidance on: why and how to take action on inclusion health in your professional practice; understanding local needs; measuring impact. It provides recommendations for frontline workers, team leaders, managers and senior or strategic leaders.)

Wound aware: a resource for drug services.
Public Health England (PHE); 2021.
(Information for drug services to help them prevent, identify, treat and manage wounds in people who inject drugs. The resource includes practice notes aimed at service users and examples of good practice.)

Adult excess weight: patterns and trends Public Health England (PHE); 2021

(Trends in adult overweight, obesity and raised waist circumference are shown. Patterns are examined by age, sex, ethnic group, and area deprivation.)

Past COVID-19 infection provides some immunity but people may still carry and transmit virus Public Health England (PHE); 2021

(Study finds past coronavirus (COVID-19) infection provides some immunity for at least 5 months, but people may still carry and transmit the virus.)

Covid 19

Current Awareness updates

Evidence base for PCR and lateral flow testing.
Carried out by Frankie Marcelline from Brighton and Sussex on 7/1/2021
(This is a rapid review for evidence on PCR and lateral flow testing. It focuses on the most recent articles including evaluations on their use in the community.)

Clinical practice guide for improving the management of adult COVID-19 patients in secondary care: Shared learning from high performing trusts during COVID-19 pandemic
Getting it Right First Time (GIRFT); 2021.
(Summarises challenges faced and responses used by high performing trusts visited as part of the GIRFT cross-specialty COVID-19 deep dives, as well as identifying successful innovations they implemented.
Covers infection prevention and control, emergency medicine, critical care and anaesthesia, acute and general medicine, respiratory medicine, geriatric medicine and community care and diabetes. Cross cutting themes: Trust leadership and management, research and clinical coding).

Ensuring provision of Sexual and Reproductive Healthcare (SRH) services during the second COVID-19 wave and beyond in the UK.
Faculty of Sexual and Reproductive Healthcare (FSRH); 2020.
(This latest FSRH guidance is aimed at healthcare professionals and commissioners across the UK. It outlines essential services that must remain available to women during and past the pandemic as well as recommendations on delivering services and prioritising patients.)

COVID-19 vaccination: easy-read resources.
Public Health England (PHE); 2021.
(Easy-read guides providing information on coronavirus (COVID-19) and vaccination.)

UK COVID-19 vaccines delivery plan.
Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC); 2021.
(How the UK government was able to build up a supply of vaccines and how it is planning to deploy them. 11 January.)

Prioritising the first COVID-19 vaccine dose: JCVI statement.
Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC); 2021.
(Statement from the Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation (JCVI) about increasing the short-term impact of the COVID-19 vaccination programme. 6 January.)

Public Health

Current Awareness Updates

Impacts of outlets selling alcohol on drinking levels or alcohol related harm.
Carried out by Frankie Marcelline from Brighton and Sussex on 2/12/2020
(This evidence report is a very brief evidence search on the effect of reducing or increasing density of outlets selling alcohol on impacts of drinking levels or alcohol related harm. Most of the results are set in the UK.)

Mass asymptomatic testing: schools and colleges.
Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC); 2020.
(Find out how to administer testing which will begin in January 2021.)

Vitamin D for vulnerable groups.
Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC); 2020.
(This guidance accompanies the Department of Health and Social Care’s initiative to offer a free 4-month supply of vitamin D supplements to support general health, and in particular bone and muscle health. The guidance is for anyone who is clinically extremely vulnerable and has been offered a free supply of vitamin D supplements in England from January 2021.)

The safety of COVID-19 vaccines when given in pregnancy.
Public Health England (PHE); 2020.

National lockdown: Stay at Home.
Cabinet Office; 2021.
(Coronavirus cases are rising rapidly across the country. Find out what you can and cannot do.)

A qualitative exploration of 14 to 17-year old adolescents’ views of early and preventative mental health support in schools.
Journal of Public Health; 2020.
(Preventative interventions may be effective in reducing and preventing symptoms of mental ill health in children and young people. However, there is a paucity of research in this area that explores the views of young people. This paper reports on a qualitative study to inform the future development of attractive and appropriate early and preventative school-based mental health interventions.)

Public Health

Current Awareness Updates

Hepatitis C in England and the UK.
Public Health England (PHE); 2020.

[Latest PHE hepatitis C virus (HCV) reports and supporting documents, for England and the UK. 14 December 2020: Added Hepatitis C in the UK: 2020 report and accompanying slide set and infographic.]

Drug misuse in England and Wales: year ending March 2020.
Office for National Statistics (ONS); 2020.

[This publication reports on trends in drug use across England and Wales for the year ending March 2020. This publication is largely unaffected by the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic as it mainly relates to the period prior to the lockdown. Overall drug use continued to remain stable, with around 1 in 11 adults aged 16 to 59 years having taken a drug in the past year.]

Whole systems approach to obesity.
Public Health England (PHE); 2020.

[A guide and set of resources to support local authorities with implementing a whole systems approach to address obesity and promote a healthy weight.
14 December 2020: Added ‘Opportunities to strengthen place-based systems approaches’ report and annexes.]

Coronavirus and the social impacts on Great Britain: 11 December 2020.
Office for National Statistics (ONS); 2020.

[One in five adults in Great Britain experienced some form of depression in November. This is similar to levels reported earlier in the year, but double that reported before the pandemic. Since late October, more adults say they believe life will return to normal within six months. However, a lower proportion of adults experiencing some form of anxiety and/or depression felt this was the case.]

The government’s approach to test and trace in England – interim report.
National Audit Office (NAO); 2020.

[This interim report provides an overview of test and trace services for addressing COVID-19 in England, including how the government’s approach has developed, and how it managed performance and capacity in the period from May to October 2020.]

A ‘new normal’? How people spent their time after the March 2020 coronavirus lockdown.
Office for National Statistics (ONS); 2020.

[During the first national coronavirus (COVID-19) lockdown, many people in Great Britain were forced to make changes to their lifestyles. But it appears that some of those changes may not have lasted long. On the whole, people returned to pre-lockdown behaviour in September to October 2020.]

Sexual and Reproductive Health Services, England (Contraception) 2019/20.
NHS Digital; 2020.

[This publication primarily covers contraceptive activity taking place at dedicated Sexual and Reproductive Health (SRH) services in England, as recorded in the Sexual and Reproductive Health Activity Dataset (SRHAD), a mandated collection for all providers of NHS SRH services. People attend SRH services for a variety of reasons, but the main focus of this report is contraception.]

National Diabetes Audit – Report 1 Care Processes and Treatment Targets 2018-19, Full Report.
NHS Digital; 2020.

[This report details the findings and recommendations relating to diabetes care process completion, treatment target achievement and structured education for the 2018-19 audit.]

Statistics on Smoking, England 2020.
NHS Digital; 2020.

[This report presents newly published information on smoking including:
Smoking-related hospital admissions from NHS Digital’s Hospital Episode Statistics (HES).Smoking-related deaths from Office for National Statistics (ONS) mortality statistics. Prescription items used to help people stop smoking from prescribing data held by NHS Prescription Services. Affordability of tobacco and expenditure on tobacco using ONS economic data.]

Public Health

Current Awareness

Suicide awareness materials: do they help people with suicidal ideation?
The Mental Elf; 2020.

(Hanzla Amir and Derek Tracy summarise a recent online randomised controlled trial on the effects of suicide awareness materials on people who feel suicidal, which finds that the Papageno effect is real and that stories of hope and recovery can help.)

Whole systems approach to obesity.
Public Health England (PHE); 2020.

(A guide and set of resources to support local authorities with implementing a whole systems approach to address obesity and promote a healthy weight.
7 December 2020: Added ‘Engaging NHS system leaders in whole systems approaches to physical activity’.)

Supporting public health: children, young people and families.
Public Health England (PHE); 2020.

(Documents to support local authorities and providers in commissioning and delivering maternal and child public health services from preconception up to 24 years. 8 December 2020: Updated to include the 6 maternity high impact area guides.)

How England will end new cases of HIV: final report and recommendations.
HIV Commission; 2020.

(The HIV Commission is an ambitious, independent process to find the path to ending new HIV transmissions and HIV-attributed deaths in England by 2030. Its report sets out 20 achievable and evidence-based actions that need to be taken if this goal is to be met.)

Obesity Profile: December 2020 update.
Public Health England (PHE); 2020.

(Obesity Profile online data tool: update with new data from the National Child Measurement Programme (NCMP) for academic year 2019 to 2020.)

What people are telling us: a summary, July – September 2020 Healthwatch, 2020

(Between July and September 2020, more than 38,082 people shared their experiences of using health and social care with Healthwatch. This briefing is a summary of the key issues that the public are telling us about, including access to NHS dental care; the support provided in care homes; and accessing Covid-19 tests.)

Interventions to prevent intimate partner and sexual violence Public Health England (PHE), 2020

(A guidance resource from PHE to help tackle the root causes of violence and
change behaviours that lead to violence. It includes a summary of research and good practice in bystander interventions.)

Covid 19

Updates on the Covid 19 Pandemic

Update on COVID-19 pandemic.
BMJ Best Practice; 2020.

(Epidemiology: updated data on children and pregnant women; updated risk factors (solid organ transplant). Aetiology: updated data on viral shedding in immunocompromised people. Emerging: WHO Solidarity trial results published; NIH recommends against casirivimab/imdevimab as standard of care for patients with mild to moderate disease; UK trial starts investigating use of colchicine. Prevention: first vaccine authorised for use in the UK; WHO updates guidance on mask use in community settings.)

Mask use in the context of COVID-19.
World Health Organization (WHO); 2020.

(This document provides updated guidance on mask use in health care and community settings, and during home care for COVID-19 cases. It is intended for policy makers, public health and infection prevention and control professionals, health care managers and health workers. Updated 1 December 2020.)

COVID-19: vaccination programme guidance for healthcare practitioners.
Public Health England (PHE); 2020.

(Guidance for healthcare practitioners about the coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccination programme. 4 December 2020: Update report: details on page 3.)

COVID-19 vaccination: women of childbearing age, currently pregnant, planning a pregnancy or breastfeeding.
Public Health England (PHE); 2020.

(Information for all women of childbearing age, those currently pregnant, planning a pregnancy or breastfeeding on coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccination.)

Covid-19 Insight: issue 5.
Care Quality Commission (CQC); 2020.

(In this month’s report, we build on the learning about good practice in infection prevention and control that we discussed in the last issue by focusing on care homes. We also present the key findings from a survey to understand the experience of inpatients who were discharged from hospital from April to May 2020, when the first wave of the pandemic was at its height.)