Depression and Anxiety May 24

With thanks to our colleagues from Mersey Care NHS Foundation Trust please find the latest bulletin attached. Some articles are freely accessible, others require an Open Athens account. For support accessing any of the articles, please contact

Nurse Educator Toolkit

Professional Nurse Educator Toolkit for Mental Health Services

Source: KnowledgeShare

Professional nurse educator toolkit for mental health services.
NHS England; 2024.

Clinical mental health nursing leadership is essential in enabling and empowering registered mental health nurses to continuously improve their learning on quality and safety and the care they provide to patients and families. This document describes the implementation of the professional nurse educator (PNE) role within mental health services and offers advice on how providers of mental health services can effectively implement the role within their mental health services.

Eating Disorders Bulletin

March 2024

The latest Eating Disorders bulletin is now avaialble to view and download. Some articles are freely accessible however others may require an Open Athens account. If you are having issues accessing the articles, please get in touch with the library team:

Commissioner’s concerns about children’s mental health

A report by the Children’s Commissioner Rachel de Souza on children’s mental health services has found an “alarming” postcode lottery when it comes to accessing children’s mental health services. The report follows the Commissioner’s The Big Ask, which surveyed children across England about their mental health. The report states one in five children said they were unhappy with their mental health and Ms De Souze said she is particularly worried about older teenage girls as two in five of 16 to 17 year old girls said they were unhappy with their mental health.

Children’s mental health services 2021-2022 | Children’s Commissioner for England (

Spirituality and Perinatal bulletins available

Please find available the latest Spirituality and Mental Health and Perinatal Mental Health bulletins, produced by Greater Manchester Mental Health Trust.

If you are unable to access any of the articles please contact

Is mental health and the cost of living crisis another pandemic in the making?

This policy briefing paper from think tank the Health Foundation emphasises that suitable financial support schemes must be made available to all who need them to prevent poverty, financial stress and related mental health issues..

MHF-cost-of-living-crisis-report-2023-01-12.pdf (

Spirituality and Mental Health and Suicide and Self Harm Current Awareness bulletins

The current bulletins for Spirituality and Mental Health and Suicide and Self Harm bulletins, produced by Greater Manchester NHS Foundation Trust, are now available to view and download.

Please contact if you are unable to access any of the articles.

Public Health

Current Awareness

Girls’ Attitudes Survey 2022.
Girlguiding; 2022.
(This 2022 survey asks girls and young women how they feel about their daily lives and society after the pandemic, their safety, their experiences of sexism and stereotypes, their involvement in social and community action and their mental health. To delve deeper into these findings, we’ve reported on a regional basis for the first time.)

Tracking the price of the lowest-cost grocery items, UK, experimental analysis: April 2021 to September 2022.
Office for National Statistics (ONS); 2022.
(How the prices of the lowest-cost products for 30 everyday items have changed since April 2021. The figures highlight how poorer families are bearing the brunt of the cost of living crisis, with prices for some budget grocery items soaring far ahead of the official 10.1% rate of inflation, which is at a 40-year high. Pasta prices rose 60%, tea jumped 65% and chips went up 39%. There were also large price increases for other everyday low-cost items including milk, biscuits and bread.)

BReATHE interventions (Beating Regional Asthma Through Health Education):an innovative approach to children’s asthma care in the North East and North Cumbria, UK: an interventional study.
Townshend J. Archives of Disease in Childhood 2022;107(5):500-504.
(BReATHE (Beating Regional Asthma Through Health Education) is a new, innovative approach to improving asthma care and outcomes for CYP (children and young people) across the North East and North Cumbria, co-designed with patients, families, local authorities and health professionals and guided by the NRAD recommendations. The impact on the unplanned hospital admission rates in children due to asthma in Newcastle-upon-Tyne hospitals is highlighted.) Accessible with Open Athens

People with complex emotional needs and their views of community mental health services.
The Mental Elf; 2022.
(Emmeline Lagunes Cordoba summarises a co-produced qualitative interview study on service user perspectives of community mental health services for people with complex emotional needs.)

Cannabis use in college: genetic predispositions less influential than social environment.
The Mental Elf; 2022.
(Sally Turner reviews a recent study exploring cannabis use in college, which provides useful evidence relating to how universities could promote a sense of community, belonging and support to students who use cannabis.)