Library Newsletter

August 2021

The August edition of the Library Newsletter is now available to view here.

Please feel free to download and share with your colleagues and/or department.

If you would like to see any additional features on our newsletter or have any queries regarding information featured in this month’s newsletter, please get in touch by emailing:

Lunch and Learn

A session around a greener NHS – Net Zero

Thank-you to everyone who attended our lunch and learn session yesterday. Our guest speaker, Chris Carlsen , Environmental Manager for Healthcare Support & Information Services, gave a very enlightening presentation on this important topic.

If you missed the session, you can watch the session recording here (please use your LSCFT email to access) or view the presentation slides here.

For more information about Greener NHS and Net Zero please read here or complete the training session For a Greener NHS- Delivering Net Zero on Training Tracker.

We would really appreciate any feedback on these sessions. If you have a few spare minutes we kindly ask you to complete our survey- which should take no longer than 5 minutes to complete:

Our next session will be held in August with Chris Davies from Sound Skills talking about their work with the community. We hope to see you there. Please contact if you would like an invite to this session.

Lunch and Learn – July Reminder

A session around a greener NHS – Net Zero

This is just a reminder that the next Lunch and Learn session will be held via Teams on Wednesday 21st July between 12pm and 1pm.

This session will discuss:

  • Sustainable development
  • The Trust’s Greener Plan
  • Climate change

Library Newsletter

July 2021

The July edition of the Library Newsletter is now available to view here.

Please feel free to download and share with your colleagues and/or department.

If you would like to see any additional features on our newsletter or have any queries regarding information featured in this month’s newsletter, please get in touch by emailing:

Lunch and Learn


Thank-you to everyone who attended our lunch and learn session this week. Our guest speaker, Paul Bibby , Head of Strategy and Business Planning, gave us a very interesting insight into strategy development.

If you missed the session, you can watch the session recording here (please use your LSCFT email to access) or view the presentation slides here.

We would really appreciate any feedback on these sessions. If you have a few spare minutes we kindly ask you to complete our survey- which should take no longer than 5 minutes to complete:

Our next session will be held in July and will focus on Sustainability and Environmental Changes . We hope to see you there. Please contact if you would like an invite to this session.

Lunch and Learn – June Reminder

A session around understanding strategy

This is just a reminder that the next Lunch and Learn session will be held via Teams on Wednesday 16th June between 12pm and 1pm.

This session will discuss:

  • An introduction to strategy
  • How to create a strategy
  • Strategy in everyday life
  • Putting a strategy into action

Teams invites have been sent to all our Library registered users. If you would like an invite to be extended to you or your team please email:

Library Newsletter

June 2021

The June edition of the Library Newsletter is now available to view here.

Please feel free to download and share with your colleagues and/or department.

If you would like to see any additional features on our newsletter or have any queries regarding information featured in this month’s newsletter, please get in touch by emailing:

Lunch and Learn

Long Covid

Thank-you to everyone who attended our lunch and learn session yesterday. Our guest speakers, Jane Beenstock, Alison Pye and Cath Taylor from the Public Health team, have been following the development and research relating to Long Covid and they gave us a very interesting insight into what Long Covid is and what the research around this topic is telling us.

If you missed the session, you can catch up here (please use your LSCFT email to access.)

We would really appreciate any feedback on these sessions. If you have a few spare minutes we kindly ask you to complete our survey- which should take no longer than 5 minutes to complete:

Our next session will be held in June and will focus on Strategy Development . We hope to see as many of you there. Please contact if you would like an invite to this session.

Lunch and Learn – May Reminder

Post (long) COVID: a lasting legacy or a passing phase?

This is just a reminder that the next Lunch and Learn session will be held via Teams on Thursday 20th May between 12pm and 1pm.

This session will discuss:

  • An overview of long-COVID
  • Current evidence on what it is, who it affects and how it affects people
  • The implications of long-COVID on health services and wider society

Teams invites have been sent to all our Library registered users. If you would like an invite to be extended to you or your team please email:

Lunch and Learn

April – Health Literacy Awareness

Thank-you to all those who attended our April lunch and learn session with Joanne Naughton from Health Education England (HEE).

As the session discussed personal stories, we could not record the session, however Joanne has kindly agreed to share her presentation- please feel free to download and share with your colleagues or team.

We would also really value any feedback you have regarding this session or the presentation attached above. This short survey will only take a few minutes to complete:

Just a reminder that our next session will be held on Thursday, 20th May with the Public Health Team who will be discussing ‘Long Covid’. More details will follow in the coming weeks.