Health and Wellbeing

Back pain: four ways to fix bad lockdown posture – by copying astronauts

Lockdown could be bad for your back. Thanks to measures to tackle the coronavirus pandemic, many of us are now working from home. This means you might not be moving around as much, and your home desk setup (and the posture you adopt while working) might not be as good as it should be. These are all things that can lead to back pain.

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Institute for Fiscal Studies

The mental health effects of the first two months of lockdown and social distancing during the Covid-19 pandemic in the UK

This report discusses the impact of Covid-19 on mental health. It finds that mental health in the UK has worsened substantially as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic, particularly for groups that already had lower levels of mental health before Covid-19, such as young adults and women.

Health and Well-being

How to maintain a slower pace of life after lockdown

Before lockdown, our lives were defined by speed. Rushing around, living life at rocket pace was the norm. Keeping up with work responsibilities, social obligations and the latest tech or fashion trends was a never-ending feat. Only a privileged few could afford to slow down. This research shows that in order to experience the benefits of slowing down, people must decelerate in three ways.