Library Survey

Be in with the chance of winning a Christmas Hamper

In order for us to provide the best service, we would greatly appreciate it, if you could spend 5 minutes completing our Library Users survey. This will help inform us of what we are doing well and provide ideas for how we can continue to develop and improve. Your feedback is of great importance to us and we would consider any recommendations for future planning.

The survey can be found here; and will take no more than 5 minutes to complete.

All completed entries, have the option for you to be entered into a draw to win a Christmas Hamper, just in time for the festive season.

We hope you continue to use our service to incorporate evidence based research within your practice. For access to our Library resources please visit out Trustnet page: http://trustnet2013/Networks/SupportServices/lis/Pages/default.aspx or contact the Library team with any questions or queries you may have: