Meet the Author

Katie Fforde

Katie Fforde is a popular best-selling author of modern day romance books. She believes that falling in love is the best thing in the world, and wants all her characters to experience it, and her readers to share their stories.

Katie first started writing when her mother gave her a writing kit for Christmas, and once she started she just couldn’t stop. She has now written 28 novels. Her first, Living Dangerously, was published in 1995 and her most recent, A Springtime Affair, was published in paperback in January this year.

Each of Katie’s books explores a different profession or background and her research has helped her to bring these to life. She has been a porter in an auction house, tried her hand at pottery, refurbished furniture, delved behind the scenes of a dating website, and has even been on a Ray Mears survival course.

Katie has kindly answered a few questions for us about books that have entertained and inspired her and her work as an author. Read the interview here.

Read more about Katie, her love of writing and her career on her website and blog or follow her on Twitter or Facebook.

Fiction Collection

Now that we are into a new year why not try reading something new, a new author or genre maybe?

We have a large collection of fiction in the Gosall library, you can search our catalogue here. If you normally read crime or mystery novels why not try reading a biography? Or if fantasy is normally your bag why not give romance a go?!

We have a few ideas on display in the main library and the rest of our fiction collection can be found in the snug. Please feel free to browse and check out any books of interest using the self-issue machine. Alternatively, email the library team at and we can post books out to you.

The library team is also happy to recommend books for you.

Meet The Author

Jason Beresford

Jason Beresford is the author of ‘The Fabulous Four Fish Fingers’, ‘Frozen Fish Fingers’ and ‘Fish Fingers vs Nuggets’, three laugh-out-loud books about a gang of superhero kids. He is also, at times, a teacher, bad ukulele player and a man who speaks Japanese with a Coventry accent. Jason is the first author to feature in our Meet the Author Project. He has kindly answered a few questions about books and his work as an author and would like to use this opportunity to say thank you to NHS staff.

Read the interview here.

Before Jason became a children’s author, he worked in television for over 20 years. This included a long stint as a reporter for the Japanese TV company TV Asahi where he helped cover Nelson Mandela’s election as President in South Africa, the Rwandan refugee crisis, conflicts in Syria, Israel and across Europe. Jason also worked for the BBC in Coventry and Newcastle and for Tyne Tees TV where he was sent to join the army, he abseiled off Durham cathedral and he was attacked by a jackdaw that thought it was a dog.

Jason went on to direct two of Britain’s best loved soaps (Emmerdale and Coronation Street) and he produced many other TV shows. His memorable moments include reuniting the last surviving Oompah Loompas, crossing Britain on a lawn mower with John Sergeant and filming the party of the year at David Beckham’s house (even though he spent the whole night stuck in the kitchen.)

Jason lives in Leeds and has two daughters who both think he is quite funny at the moment but he knows this won’t last much longer.

Read here for more information about Jason and his work.

Jason Beresford

Meet the Author

Coming soon: a library project to say thankyou to our hard working front line staff

Our clinical and support staff are working tirelessly to look after an increasing number of patients with serious mental health issues as well as supporting other patients and staff with anxiety and depression brought on or exacerbated by the current Covid-19 pandemic.

As librarians we are helping our staff to find valuable research in order to help them treat patients but also to help clinical leaders to try and predict the increased resources for mental health treatment which will be needed as the pandemic continues through the winter.

We are looking at ways to try to reward and motivate our valuable and brave front line staff, and we are inviting authors to send a message of support, thanks or encouragement, or just to raise a laugh or smile.

If you have a suggestion for an author you would like us to interview please email us at

Black History Month

New book additions

To celebrate Black History Month, taking place through October, we have added new books to our collection. A variety of fiction, autobiographies, poetry and historical stories for all tastes of genres. Take a look at our online catalogue (what’s new section) or view our collection at the Gosall Library- The Lantern Centre to issue your books today. Remember, we can send books out to you, so please don’t hesitate to get in touch with the library team by emailing

Our new Black History Month collection

The King’s Fund

Bertie’s book group 2020

This month, the online book group will be talking about The Shock of the Fall by Nathan Filer. As a young boy, Matthew loses his older brother while on a family holiday. Now nineteen, this is the story of how he deals with this loss and his own mental illness.

Register your place to join the online discussion here

The King’s Fund

Bertie’s book group 2020

Join the King’s Fund for their online book group in July when readers will be discussing So lucky by Nicola Griffith. The novel follows Mara Tagarelli who discovers in the space of a week that her wife is leaving her and that she has been diagnosed with multiple sclerosis. The novel is an exploration of identity, disability and ableism.