Working From Home

Zoom fatigue: how to make video calls less tiring

Many phrases have entered our vocabulary as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic and lockdown “Zoom fatigue” refers to the mental exhaustion associated with online video conferencing.

Read here for advice on how to get the most out of online video conferencing

National workforce plan for Approved Mental Health Professionals (AMHPs)

Department of Health and Social Care, November 2019

Understanding the role of AMHPs in mental health services to help with recruitment and retention of the role in local areas. This document is a resource for agencies wishing to develop their AMHP services and aims to explain the role of AMHPs in mental health services. It contains a summary of all the current guidance. It is for local authorities, directors of adult and children’s social care, NHS mental health trusts, and integrated care system workforce leads.

Click here to view the full report.

Professionalism and Cultural Transformation (PACT) toolkit: A toolkit to support managers to improve professional attitudes and behaviours in the workplace

NHS Employers, August 2019

This toolkit aims to educate and empower staff to improve professionalism within their workplace, helping organisations move towards making the NHS the best place to work. The toolkit is based on tried and tested work undertaken by Hull University Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust and is designed to help staff embed the PACT programme in their organisation. It contains practical information, advice and solutions to equip staff to deal with unprofessional attitudes and behaviours in the workplace.

Click here to view the full report.

Valuing Admin Staff

NHS Employers, August 2019

This case study from Leeds Community Healthcare NHS Trust sets out its approach to increasing staff experience and engagement for admin staff. The trust did this through running a celebratory event aimed at admin and non-regulated staff in 2017 to demonstrate to its admin staff how much they are appreciated and valued, and  to seek feedback from this important staff group on the benefits for working for the Trust.

Click here to view the case study.

Independent evaluation of the Think Ahead programme

Think Ahead, May 2019
The Think Ahead programme is a fast-track graduate scheme, offering graduates and career-changers a new route into mental health social work. This independent report contains an evaluation of the Think Ahead programme.  The findings of the report are mainly positive and the authors call for the programme to continue to be developed and supported.
Click here to view the full report.

Health and well-being at work

CIPD, April 2019
This report shows the findings of the nineteenth annual CIPD survey which explores the trends and practices in workplace health.  The findings of the report show that employers are increasingly recognizing their critical role in improving the health of the workforce. But the survey highlights some cause for concern, including an increase in stress-related absence and a lack of support for managers, who are increasingly expected to take responsibility for their team’s well-being. The report recommends that organisations invest in more training and development for managers.
Click here to view the report.
Click here to view the public sector summary.

Workforce Stress and the Supportive Organisation – A framework for improvement through reflection, curiosity and change

Health Education England, April 2019
This framework, produced by Health Education England, aims to help health and social care employers improve the mental wellbeing of their employees.  The framework encourages employers to take a closer look at the systems they currently  have in place for managing staff wellbeing, to give greater consideration to the impact  workforce stress has on staff and to look at the role they can play in providing better support to staff who may need it.
Click here to view the framework.

Health matters: health and work

Public Health England, January 2019
This guidance brings together in one place data, toolkits and evidence of what works in addressing and removing health-related barriers to gaining and retaining employment. It focuses on the actions that can be taken by employers in general, local authorities and the NHS workforce with regards to health and work.
Click here to view the guidance.

Voluntary Reporting On Disability, Mental Health And Wellbeing: A Framework To Support Employers To Report Voluntarily On Disability, Mental Health And Wellbeing In The Workplace

Department for Work and Pensions, November 2018
The government believes that transparency and reporting can support the cultural change required to build a more inclusive society. The voluntary reporting framework has been developed by the government in partnership with leading businesses and third sector organisations to support employers to voluntarily report information on disability, mental health and wellbeing in the workplace.
Click here to view the full report.