RCP view on the NHS workforce

Short- and medium-term solutions

Source: The King’s Fund

This policy paper outlines how staffing shortages are the biggest barrier to meeting demand for care and delivering health care sustainably in the long term. It describes how a long-term plan for increasing staffing numbers, including expanding medical school places, is needed to put the NHS workforce back on a sustainable footing, restore timely access to care and protect patient safety. But given the urgency of the situation, the RCP has set out a range of short- and medium-term solutions that will make a difference now, from affordable childcare and flexible working to overseas recruitment and a new ‘retire and return’ deal for consultants. 

British Geriatric Society

The geriatric medicine workforce 2022

Source: The King’s Fund

This report examines data collected by the Royal College of Physicians (RCP) on the consultant and Higher Specialty Trainee geriatric medicine workforce. This data, which was collected between 2019 and 2021 as part of the RCP’s annual workforce census, demonstrates the staffing challenges facing older people’s health care. Despite the growth in medical student places, there are not enough specialist health care professionals being trained and retained to meet the needs of the population as it ages.

For more information click here.

Community network

There is no community without people: the staffing challenges facing community health services and how we can address them

Source: NHS Providers

This briefing sets out the key workforce pressures facing community health providers, alongside suggested solutions and policy enablers to increase workforce capacity in the sector. The content has been directly informed by the views and experiences of community provider leaders.

For more information click here.

Women and Equalities Committee

Menopause and the workplace

Source: The King’s Fund

This report explores menopause as a health issue, a workplace issue and, fundamentally, as an equality issue, in relation to which people need better legal protection. It seeks to raise awareness across wider society, drive change among employers, and encourage a proactive and collaborative approach by the government.

The Health Foundation

NHS Workforce Projections 2022

Source: The King’s Fund

This analysis shows that the NHS in England could face a shortfall of around 38,000 full time equivalent (FTE) registered nurses by 2023/24 relative to the numbers needed to deliver pre-pandemic levels of care. This is despite the expectation that the government could meet its own target of recruiting an additional 50,000 FTE registered NHS nurses by the end of the parliament. It argues that the government needs to acknowledge the growing demand for care driven by an ageing population and an increased number of people with complex health conditions. It also explores potential gaps in the nursing workforce over a longer time period beyond the next election.

Supporting the LGBTQ+ population

Through Covid-19 and beyond

Source: The King’s Fund Health Management and Policy Alert

Leaders from across the health care system agree that for the LGBTQ+ population to recover and thrive after the pandemic, the way services are designed and delivered, and the workforce environments they are delivered in, must change. This report sets out a series of recommendations to help health care leaders, service designers and commissioners ensure their services and workplaces meet the needs of the LGBTQ+ population.

some of their recommendations include:

Mental Health Network NHS Confederation

To find out more click here.

Building good working relationships

Making work enjoyable and productive

Mind Tools; 2020.
In this article, you’ll learn why it’s important to have good working relationships, how to build and maintain them, and even find ways to work with people that you don’t get on with.


People are missing their daily commute in lockdown – here’s why

The COVID-19 pandemic has sparked a unique experiment in mass homeworking. It’s the first time since before the industrial revolution that most people are working in the same space that they live. As lockdown begins to ease, the debate is shifting to how and when people will return to the office – if at all. A major obstacle seems to be fears of commuting. The thought of getting on a crowded train in the middle of a pandemic doesn’t sound very appealing. And yet one of the intriguing findings from a new research project into how people have coped with the experience of homeworking has been the number of people who say they miss their commute.

Read more here

Working From Home

Zoom fatigue: how to make video calls less tiring

Many phrases have entered our vocabulary as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic and lockdown “Zoom fatigue” refers to the mental exhaustion associated with online video conferencing.

Read here for advice on how to get the most out of online video conferencing