Making Every Contact Count September 2024

The most recent Make Every Contact count public heath bulletin looking at latest evidence around smoking cessation, alcohol, healthy weight, healthy eating and physical exercise is now available. The bulletin is produced by Lancashire and South Cumbria NHS FT Library staff. If you cannot access any of the articles included in the bulletin please contact

Smoking Cessation


Healthy Weight

Healthy Eating

Physical Activity

National Bereaved Parents Day

Today, on National Bereaved Parents Day, we honour and remember parents who have experienced the unimaginable loss of a child. This day serves as a reminder of their strength and the importance of offering support and understanding. Our library offers a quiet space for reflection and a selection of resources to help navigate this difficult journey.

Alcohol Awareness Week

Alcohol Awareness Week is here, offering a chance to reflect on our drinking habits and their impacts. This week highlights the risks of alcohol misuse and promotes healthier choices.

Learn and Share: Educate yourself about alcohol’s effects and share with others.

Promote Alternatives: Encourage non-alcoholic social activities.

Seek Help: Reach out if you or someone you know needs support.

Let’s use Alcohol Awareness Week to make positive changes. Visit our library for helpful resources.

Learning Disability Week 2024

Learning Disability Week 2024 is a time to celebrate, educate, and advocate for the rights and inclusion of individuals with learning disabilities. This year’s theme, “Do you see me?” is about challenging the barriers people with a learning disability face.

This week offers an opportunity to break down barriers, share stories of resilience, and promote understanding. By raising awareness, promoting inclusive education and workplaces, and supporting advocacy, we can create a world where everyone feels valued and included.

Let’s use Learning Disability Week 2024 to foster positive change and greater understanding. Together, we can make a difference.

Learning Disability Week 2024 | Mencap


As we approach Father’s Day, Men’s Health Week is a perfect time to focus on men’s physical and mental health. Too often, men avoid discussing health issues, leading to overlooked problems like heart disease, diabetes, and cancer.

Encouraging open conversations about health can lead to early detection and better overall well-being. Simple questions like “When was your last check-up?” can start important dialogues.

This Men’s Health Week, let’s break the silence. Talking about physical and mental health can lead to longer, healthier lives for men everywhere.

We need to share our stories | Men’s Health Forum (