As we approach Father’s Day, Men’s Health Week is a perfect time to focus on men’s physical and mental health. Too often, men avoid discussing health issues, leading to overlooked problems like heart disease, diabetes, and cancer.

Encouraging open conversations about health can lead to early detection and better overall well-being. Simple questions like “When was your last check-up?” can start important dialogues.

This Men’s Health Week, let’s break the silence. Talking about physical and mental health can lead to longer, healthier lives for men everywhere.

We need to share our stories | Men’s Health Forum (

Emotional Support

Online resources – SAM self-help app

SAM is an app to help you understand and manage anxiety. The app has been developed in collaboration with a research team from UWE, Bristol.

SAM will help you to understand what causes your anxiety, monitor your anxious thoughts and behaviour over time and manage your anxiety through self-help exercises and private reflection.

Download the app here.

Emotional Support

Online resources – Calm meditation app

Calm produces meditation products, including guided meditations and Sleep Stories and can help with self improvement, reducing stress and anxiety and improving sleep quality and focus.

Read more about Calm and sign up here.