Falls Prevention Horizon Scanning Bulletin September 2024

A new edition of the Falls Prevention Horizon Scanning Bulletin has been released. Please click the link below for more details. If you are unable to access any of the included items please contact academic.library@lscft.nhs.uk.

Falls Prevention Horizon Scanning | from North West Health Libraries (wordpress.com)

The Lancashire Health Hub

Helping patients find trusted information

We have been lucky enough to work with some local NHS Foundation Trusts and the public libraries to develop an online website focusing on good quality health care information.

The Lancashire Health Hub is designed to signpost patients to trusted and reliable medical support- explaining who and what services are available to them, links to local services and trusted resources including apps and guides.

You can also download an easy read version of the information to share alongside the virtual content.

Please take a look and share with friends, families and colleagues.

Using Health Data

Better, broader, safer: using health data for research and analysis

Department of Health and Social Care; April 7 2022

Professor Ben Goldacre was commissioned by the government in February 2021 to review how to improve safety and security in the use of health data for research and analysis. The report makes 185 recommendations that would benefit patients and the health care sector. It is aimed at policy-makers in the NHS and government, research funders and those who use the data for service planning, public health management and medical research.

Standing up for patient and public safety: England Policy Report

Royal College of Nursing, October 2019

Royal College of Nursingreport that describes the lack of clear roles, responsibilities and accountability for workforce planning and supply in England. In reality, this means that the health and care workforce is not growing in line with increasing population need for health and care services, and there are large numbers of vacant posts throughout the system. This impacts upon patient safety and outcomes, and leads to a challenging working environment for staff. To resolve this, the RCN makes the case for this to be resolved through legislation, alongside additional investment in the nursing workforce and a national health and care workforce strategy for England.

Click here to view the full report.

Being fair: Supporting a just and learning culture for staff and patients following incidents in the NHS

NHS Resolution, July 2019

A just and learning culture is the balance of fairness, justice, learning – and taking responsibility for actions. It is not about seeking to blame the individuals involved when care in the NHS goes wrong. It is also not about an absence of responsibility and accountability. It highlights the need for the NHS to involve users of care services and staff in safety investigations. This NHS Resolution report focus’ on supporting a just and learning culture for staff and patients following incidents in the NHS.

Click here to view the full report.

Missed opportunities: What lessons can be learned from failings at the North Essex Partnership University NHS Foundation Trust

The Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman, June 2019

A report on the Ombudsman’s investigations into the deaths of two vulnerable young men. It finds significant failings in their mental health care and treatment.

Click here to view the full report.

Improving patient safety through collaboration: a rapid review of the academic health science networks’ patient safety collaboratives

The ASHN Network, March 2019
This report discusses the progress and impact made by England’s Patient Safety Collaboratives (PSCs) in their first four years. It was commissioned by The AHSN Network and written by The King’s Fund. The report notes how interest is shifting from supporting the improvement of individual services to improving how different services work together in local systems. It highlights the role the PSC programme has had in creating a movement for change and cultivating a shared vision among health and care organisations. It also suggests some areas PSCs and national NHS bodies could focus on to further support innovation, quality improvement and patient safety.
Click here to view the full report.