NHS Workforce Race Equality Standard: 2018 data analysis report for NHS trusts

NHS England, January 2018
This report aims to enable organisations to compare their performance with similar organisations in their region, with the aim of encouraging improvement by learning and sharing good practice. The report also provides an overview of how the Workforce Race Equality Standard is being applied and developments in race equality in the NHS workforce.

The NHS long-term plan

NHS England, January 2019
The NHS Long Term Plan is a new plan for the NHS to improve the quality of patient care and health outcomes. It sets out how the £20.5 billion budget settlement for the NHS, announced by the Prime Minister in summer 2018, will be spent over the next 5 years. The plan focuses on improving services outside hospitals and moving towards more joined-up, preventive and personalised care for patients by improving out-of-hospital care, supporting primary medical and community health services, improving maternity safety and making digital health services a mainstream part of the NHS.
Click here to view the plan.

Inspire, Attract And Recruit: An Interactive Toolkit To Support Your Workforce Supply

NHS Employers, December 2018
NHS Employers toolkit offering guidance, good practice, checklists, top tips, questions and leading examples from across the NHS, to help employers take stock of what may need to be done to sustain a workforce pipeline. It aims to provide practical information on understanding audiences, how to attract the right people and ensuring employees have the best on-boarding experience.
Click here to view the toolkit.

Empowering NHS leaders to lead

Department of Health and Social Care, November 2018
This review was led by Sir Ron Kerr and explored 3 challenges faced by executive leaders across the NHS:

  • expectations and support available for leaders
  • alignment of performance expectations at the organisational and system level
  • level of administrative burden placed upon executive leaders

The review makes a number of recommendations to address these challenges.
Click here to view the full report.

Using the Care Review Tool for mortality reviews in Mental Health Trusts: Guidance for reviewers

Royal College of Psychiatrists, November 2018
Guidance for NHS mental health trusts to ensure ways of improving services are learned from patients’ deaths is unveiled today.  The guidance, drawn up by the Royal College of Psychiatrists (RCPsych), focuses on patients with severe mental illness and on four ‘red-flag’ scenarios, including where concerns have been raised by families and carers or where patients have experienced psychosis or had an eating disorder. To ensure any opportunities for learning are not missed, trusts are also encouraged to review a sample of other patients’ deaths, such as those with dementia.
Click here to view the full report.

5 Act Now guides

NHS England, November 2018
These are a series of guides produced by NHS England aimed to help health and social care colleagues to take prompt practical actions and use every opportunity to prevent delayed transfers of care. It aims to assist health and social care staff to address the evidence that staying in hospital for longer than required drives adverse outcomes for patients.  Click on the links below to access the guides:
1 Act Now : maximise your leadership this winter
2 Act Now : plan for discharge early
3 Act Now : maximise your leadership this winter
4 Act Now : new technology to find Care Home availability
5 Act Now : Look after yourself, look after others: flu immunisation

Barriers and enablers for clinicians moving into senior leadership roles: Review report

Faculty of Medical Leadership and Management, November 2018
This report sets out the findings of a review carried out by the Faculty of Medical Leadership and Management (FMLM). Finds some common themes emerged between the professions, fundamental differences were also evident. Most people highlighted progression to senior leadership was rarely promoted as a legitimate career pathway as part of training programmes and even where programmes exist, such as the National Medical Director’s Clinical Fellowship scheme, these are not recognised as part of specialty training. Most felt the skills and competences for senior leadership, especially chief executive, are not always clear and there is a need to identify and develop leadership talent in a more structured way than is currently the case. In general, there is a lack of data about the backgrounds and qualifications of senior leaders in the NHS.
Click here to view the full report.

NHS England Test Beds Programme: Evaluation learning from Wave 1

NHS England, November 2018
This document shares learning about conducting real-world evaluations based on the experiences of Wave 1 of the Test Beds programme. It is designed to support innovation projects like the Test Beds which implement combinations of digital technology and pathway redesign in order to improve patient outcomes. The evaluation handbook is designed to support a future wave of Test Bed programme directors, healthcare programme commissioners and other Test Bed project staff to:

  • Understand common evaluation challenges faced by the initial Wave 1 Test Beds and benefit from their learning
  • Plan similar evaluation activity and access tools and guidance that can support their work

Click here to view the report.

Leadership in integrated care systems: Report prepared for the NHS Leadership Academy: (Future of Care Number 9)

Social Care Institute for Excellence, November 2018
This Future of Care paper, aimed at chief executives, directors and senior managers from the NHS, local authorities, housing organisations and voluntary and community sector, is based on findings from interviews with systems leaders and a review of the literature. The NHS Leadership Academy commissioned SCIE to undertake this research to further expand the understanding of systems leadership and leadership of integrated care systems. The research will inform the Leadership Academy’s long-term plans for supporting leaders in integrated care systems. Quotes from these leaders are presented throughout the report.
Click here to view the full report.