The Mobile Research Unit

‘Kitty’ Research Bus

Our latest lunch and learn session discussed the use of NIHR’s ‘Kitty’ research bus. Dr Clare Jones talks about the set up of this service, her experiences so far and plans for the future. Karen Palmer shares her views on LSCFT’s plans to utilise this research bus with clinical trials and supporting people to get involved with research.

You can catch up on the episode here:

Lunch and Learn-20240424_120435-Meeting Recording.mp4 (


Exploring the best ways to implement digital innovation into our health sector

Source: Finger on the Pulse podcast

Former Chief Nurse at NHS Digital, Anne Cooper discusses her experiences of implementing digital ways of working into healthcare during her time with the NHS firstly as a nurse then then in her later role at NHS Digital.

Covid 19

Current awareness updates

Preventing and controlling outbreaks of COVID-19 in prisons and places of detention.
Public Health England (PHE); 2021.
[Information for prisons and other prescribed places of detention on coronavirus (COVID-19).]

COVID-19 rapid guideline: managing COVID-19.
National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE); 2021.
[In September 2021, NICE added new recommendations on non-invasive respiratory support and doxycycline, and updated existing recommendations on heparins.]

COVID-19 shared learning from NHS trusts.
NHS Employers; 2021.
[Despite the relentless pressures of COVID-19 on NHS trusts, we have seen innovation, transformational change, and real improvements to enhance the experience of staff across the service. This page presents seven examples of good practice from trusts that have adapted and innovated during the pandemic.]

Debate: Is there a true global children and young people’s mental health crisis, fact or fiction?[Abstract]
Ford T. Child and Adolescent Mental Health 2021;26(3):272-273.
[Following COVID-19, there has been increasing concern about the well-being of children and young people across the United Kingdom; however, our major problem is the lack of robust data. We discuss emerging research capturing the impact of restrictions and experiences of COVID-19 on children and young people.]

Debate: The toll of the COVID-19 pandemic on children’s risk for suicidal thoughts and behaviors.[Abstract]
Melhem NM. Child and Adolescent Mental Health 2021;26(3):274-275.
[The consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic on risk for suicidal thoughts and behaviors (STBs) in children are still not fully known. However, COVID-19 and the mitigation strategies to limit its transmission have affected children and adolescents through increased parental morbidity and mortality, increased poverty and financial strain, social isolation, and lost connectedness to school, peers, and afterschool activities.

Experiences of maternity care during the COVID-19 pandemic in the North of England.
Stacey T. British Journal of Midwifery 2021;29(9):516–523.
[During 2020, UK maternity services made changes to service delivery in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. This study aimed to explore service users’ and their partners’ experiences of maternity services in the North of England during the COVID-19 pandemic. Respondents (n=606) completed a co-produced survey during August 2020. Data were analysed using descriptive statistics and content analysis.]


The rise of virtual healthcare – Med-Tech Innovation – Latest news for the medical device industry

Med-Tech Innovation editor Ian Bolland is joined by Dag Larsson from digital health company Doccla to discuss virtual wards, remote patient monitoring and whether this technology will really stick following the COVID-19 pandemic.

Listen to the podcast here.

Technology and innovation for long term health conditions

Independent Report commissioned by the Academic Health Science Network

The case studies highlighted in the report illustrate how digital technology may have the potential to transform care, build stronger relationships and work effectively as a team in order to support patients.

The paper also makes us question the changes of online services due to COVID-19, encouraging us to discuss the impact of these changes and whether services could be redesigned for the better.

To read the full report click here.

Research by Nuffield Trust

Achieving scale and spread: Learning for innovators and policy-makers

In recent years, a significant number of innovators have forged ways to scale and spread innovation in the NHS. However, despite some existing work in this area, less is known about how to achieve greater scale and spread beyond early adopters. The Nuffield Trust was commissioned by the NHS Innovation Accelerator to help fill this knowledge gap.

Read the research report here

Artificial intelligence: How to get it right: Putting policy into practice for safe data-driven innovation in health and care

NHSX, November 2019

NHSX report intended to provide a cohesive overview of the current state of play of data-driven technologies within the health and care system. It aims to make clear where in the system AI technologies can be utilised and the policy work that is, and will need to be done, to ensure this utilisation is done in a safe, effective and ethically acceptable manner.

Click here to view the full report.

Report: South West Research and Evaluation Workshop Bristol

Public Health England, October 2019

The Research, Translation and Innovation (RTI) division has been working with PHE centres to strengthen links between public health academics and others across the public health system via research workshops to explore public health research needs and priorities in their local areas. This workshop focussed on:

• Education and Training.

• Work of the CLAHRC.

• Social Prescribing.

• Support for Research.

• Research and Innovation.

Click here to view the full report.