Guidance for the health and care sector

Brexit transition from the 1st January 2021

This is the guidance for information for industry and organisations involved in health and care on preparing for the end of the transition period on 31 December 2020.

New guidance can be found for the following:

  • Supply of medicines and medical products
  • Nutrition legislation
  • Substances of human origin
  • Labelling of tobacco products
  • Recognition of professional qualifications

Guidance publications from the Royal Colleges and Health Professionals

August Bulletin

This month includes the new edition of National Institute Health Research (NIHR), along with a range of materials, including research from the Covid-19 pandemic.

To read the latest bulletin click here.

GPs and Nurses new to practice programme

Operational guidance 2020/2021

This guidance supports Integrated Care Systems and Sustainability and Transformation Partnerships, Primary Care Networks, training hubs and other local partners to understand and continue delivery of the General Practice Fellowship programme, supporting newly-qualified GPs and nurses working in primary care.


Occupational therapy and rehabilitation

RCOT Chief Executive, Julia Scott explain why she feels occupational therapists are fundamental in rehabilitation.

The RCOT provides resources and guidelines to plan and structure appropriate therapy, particularly with people recovering from COVID 19. To access their resources and find out more click here.

Local Government Association (LGA)

Loneliness, social isolation and Covid-19: practical advice

The LGA, together with the Association for Directors of Public Health, have produced this guide for directors of public health and others leading the response to the loneliness and social isolation issues arising from the Covid-19 pandemic

Read the guide here

Polypharmacy: getting our medicines right

Royal Pharmaceutical Society, February 2019
This guidance is for pharmacists and all healthcare organisations involved with medicine and provides a summary of the scale and complexity of the issue of polypharmacy. The guidance outlines how healthcare professionals, patients and carers can find solutions when polypharmacy causes problems for patients and points to useful resources that can help.  The guidance recommends that all healthcare organisations have systems in place to ensure people taking 10 or more medicines can be identified and highlighted as requiring a comprehensive medication review with a pharmacist.
Click here to view the guidance.

Multi-agency statutory guidance on female genital mutilation

Department for Education, Department of Health and Social Care and Home Office, October 2018
This amended guidance on female genital mutilation (FGM) is for all persons and bodies in England and Wales.  This guidance is a must read if you are under statutory duties to safeguard and promote the welfare of children and vulnerable adults.
Click here to view the guidance.