The state of medical education and practice in the UK: The workforce report 2019

General Medical Council, October 2019

This report draws on the GMC’s medical register data and findings from a new survey on doctors’ workplace experiences. It sets out recommendations to help inform emerging workforce strategies and people plans across the UK. The data shows that the UK’s medical register continues to grow, with many overseas doctors joining our workforce. However, the GMC states that health services must prioritise strategies to retain UK and non-UK trained doctors, and develop supportive workplace cultures with compassionate leaders.

Click here to view the full report.

Support for pupils with special educational needs and disabilities in England

National Audit Office, September 2019

This report assesses how well children with special education needs and disabilities are being supported in schools in England.  The report finds that the system for supporting children with SENDS is not financially sustainable and calls for the government to secure improvements in quality and sustainability which are needed to ensure value for money.

Click here to view the full report.

Training routes into the NHS – Infographic

NHS Employers, February 2019
This infographic shows the additional options that are available to complement traditional training and recruitment routes.This resource can help employers to identify and consider additional routes that can be used to:

  • support workforce challenges
  • recruit from the local community
  • build career pathways

Click here to view the infographic.

Mental Wellbeing Commission report

NHS Staff and Learners’ Mental Wellbeing Commission, February 2019
This report sets out the findings of the NHS Staff and Learners’ Mental Wellbeing Commission.  The Commission aimed to discover and review evidence of good practice where the mental health and wellbeing of staff and learners in NHS organisations has been made an organisational priority. The Commission has examined successful interventions from around the country, to identify what has worked well and what could be adopted widely.
Click here to view the full report.

Developing People – Improving Care

NHS Improvement, February 2019
This guidance provides an evidence-based national framework to guide action on improvement skill-building, leadership development and talent management for people in NHS-funded roles.
The framework focuses on helping NHS and social care staff to develop four critical capabilities:

  • systems leadership
  • established quality improvement methods
  • inclusive and compassionate leadership
  • talent management

Click here to view this resource.

Preparing the healthcare workforce to deliver the digital future

Health Education England, February 2019
This is the report of the findings of the Topol Review, led by Dr Eric Topol.  The review explored how to prepare the healthcare workforce, through education and training, to deliver the digital future.  The report looks at how technological and other developments are likely to change the roles and functions of clinical staff, and investigates the skills that will be needed for these roles and how health education will need to adapt to facilitate this.
Click here to view the full report.