Evidence based summaries

Recent research and reports

Should antidepressants be used for major depressive disorder? Jakobsen JC. BMJ Evidence-Based Medicine 2020;25(4):130.
The benefits of antidepressants seem to be minimal and possibly without any importance to the average patient with major depressive disorder. Antidepressants should not be used for adults with major depressive disorder before valid evidence has shown that the potential beneficial effects outweigh the harmful effects.

Clinical pathways as a mobile device. Please log in via Athens to access the whole article. Barrett J. BMJ Evidence-Based Medicine 2020;25(4):131-137.
Overall, this project supports the development of a mobile application based on the design principles used in the clinical pathways. Providers did indeed use the clinical pathways. They found the pathways easy to use and helped provide evidence-based care in clinical practice. While the iPad was useful for some participants, a small sized tablet and phone would be preferred by others. Future work will be undertaken on mobile application development using multiple screen sizes.

Dementia prevention, intervention and care. The Lancet 2020;:doi.org/10.1016/S0140-6736(20)30367-6. Excessive alcohol consumption, traumatic brain injury, and air pollution have been added to the list of potentially modifiable risk factors for dementia. Together the 12 listed modifiable risk factors account for around 40% of worldwide dementia’s.

Systematic Review

Pharmacy-based management for depression in adults

This Cochrane Systematic Review found that additional support given by the pharmacist was no better at reducing people’s depression than their treatment as usual.  The studies did show that people who received support from their pharmacy were more likely to take their antidepressants as prescribed.

Read the review here

Employment Advisers in Improving Access to Psychological Therapies: Process Evaluation Report

Department for Work and Pensions and Department of Health and Social Care, July 2019

This research looks at stakeholder views of the Employment Advisers in Improving Access to Psychological Therapies pilot which began in March 2018. The Employment Advisers in Improving Access to Psychological Therapies pilot provides tailored employment support to people with depression and anxiety who are currently accessing free cognitive behavioural therapies through the NHS. This research was commissioned to better understand:

  • experiences of implementation of the employment adviser provision
  • views on the effect of the programme on patient employment and mental health outcomes
  •  any service benefits, including increased recognition among therapists of the importance of employment for recovery
  • any operational challenges with the pilot such as employment adviser training and recruitment

Click here to view the full report.