Public Health

Current awareness updates

Low life expectancy in Glasgow, and what to do about it.
The Health Foundation; 2021.
[In this podcast Chief Executive Dr Jennifer Dixon, Dr David Walsh is Honorary Senior Lecturer at the University of Glasgow and Sir Harry Burns is the Professor of Global Public Health explore: What is fraying health to this degree in Glasgow? What is being done to help? And what can we all learn from Glasgow’s longstanding efforts to try to mend the health fabric, as we all attempt to build back better after the pandemic?]

Flu vaccination in schools.
Public Health England (PHE); 2021.
[This guidance has been produced to assist all school staff and headteachers with any questions about annual flu vaccination programme for 2021 to 2022. 28 July 2021: Updated the reason for extending the programme in secondary schools section.]

Associations between smoke-free vehicle legislation and childhood admissions to hospital for asthma in Scotland: an interrupted time-series analysis of whole-population data.
The Lancet Public Health; 2021.
[Although legislation banning smoking in vehicles did not affect hospital admissions for severe asthma among children overall or in the older age group, this legislation was associated with a reduction in severe asthma exacerbations requiring hospital admission among preschool children, over and above the underlying trend and previous interventions designed to reduce exposure to second-hand smoke.]

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