Improving Patient Care

How PCNs are working in partnership to support mental health

Source: NHS Confederation; 2021.

This briefing was developed jointly by the NHS Confederation’s Mental Health Network and PCN Network and provides examples of three models of partnership working that are currently underway in primary care to support mental health at place level.

Key points include:

  • A seamless referral system between primary and secondary care is important for patients who have mental health needs.
  • Early interventions for young people can be very cost effective and improve access and outcomes in mental health, wellbeing, and physical health.
  • Working in partnership across the community, and pooling knowledge, resources and assets is important for improving access to services, providing cost effective interventions, and improving outcomes.
  • Joining up primary care and mental health services is essential. Primary care can help people who have milder mental health issues access support and reduce referral to secondary mental health services.

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