Healthy Eating Week

British Nutrition Foundation healthy eating week 28th September to 4th October

Today’s challenge is to be mind kind; do something that fulfills your mind. This may be something simple like having an early night to ensure you get enough sleep, taking the time to help others, or going for a walk in your lunch break.

Why is it important to be mind kind?

Mental health is a vital aspect of overall health and wellbeing. It is estimated that around one in six adults in England have a common mental health problem but less than half access mental health treatments. The figure in children (5-19 years) has risen to one in eight with the figure at its highest in older children. Mental health issues can include anxiety, depression, stress, addiction, loneliness and personality disorders. It is especially important to care for your own mental wellbeing during the coronavirus pandemic, for information on how to manage this, click here.

Friday’s challenge- be mind kind

For more top tips click here.

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