Empowering the future

What can we learn from Natalia Cohen?

For those of you who attended the LiA conference last Tuesday, I’m sure you too will have been inspired by their guest speaker – Natalia Cohen. She was part of a 6 women team who were the first team to row from California to Australia on an ocean rowing boat to raise money and promote their 2 charities. She highlighted what she learnt while living in the ocean for 9 months and how life really is ‘like a wave’, which we have to ride one wave at a time.

So what can we learn from her? She highlighted tips for a great team, to be thankful for the life we have and highlighted the importance of focusing on the positives – something we probably need to do now more than ever.Some of her top tips, which are applicable both in our home and work lives;

  1. To believe in yourself
  2. Accept challenges that come your way
  3. Support each other and connect
  4. We can only control the controllable
  5. Enjoy the journey!

An inspirational story from an inspirational woman! To watch her speech click here.

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