Coronavirus: Gosall Library Services

Due to the current COVID19 situation and following the Government’s guidance, the Gosall Library issue desk remains closed until further notice

Library enquiries are being dealt with, where possible, by email only.  Unfortunately we are not able to deal with postal or telephone enquiries.  The Lantern Centre building is currently open and staff are welcome to visit the library to work in the hot desk areas as usual or to take out/return books using the self issue machine in the main library. Library staff are still available, by email only, to renew books, carry out literature searches and search for journals and to deal with other enquiries where possible.

All existing loans of books from this library are now renewed until 13th July 2020. Further details on library services will be posted on this blog as the situation develops.

Please email us with any enquiries at:

The Gosall Library Team

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