Centre for Mental Health

Recent reports

More than the sum of our parts: an evaluation of local mental health alliances.

The voluntary sector plays a vital role in supporting people with mental health difficulties. Yet, insecure funding and a lack of meaningful collaboration can inhibit voluntary, community and social enterprise (VCSE) organisations from providing the mental health support that people depend on. This report explores how bringing together local stakeholders – including VCSE organisations, NHS commissioners and providers of health and social care, and experts by experience – can lead to more effective and equitable support for people living with a mental illness.

CentreforMH_MoreThanTheSumOfOurParts.pdf (centreformentalhealth.org.uk)

A dual crisis: the hidden link between poverty and children’s mental health

This report explores the impact of poverty and benefit conditionality on families’ mental health. Based on research with parents and children, and a review of the evidence, it finds that money and mental health are inextricably linked; not having enough money leads to parental stress and guilt, which has a knock-on impact on children over the course of their lives. And with rates of poverty twice as high among Asian and Black families than white families, some children are ‘overexposed’ to the dual risks of poverty and poor mental health.

CentreforMH_ADualCrisis.pdf (centreformentalhealth.org.uk)

Spirituality and Mental Health Bulletin July 2024

Please find attached the latest Spirituality and Mental Health bulletin produced by the Greater Manchester Mental Health NHS Foundation Trust library team. If you are unable to access any of the included articles please contact academic.library@lscft.nsh.uk.

Forensic Psychiatry July 2024

Current Awareness

With thanks to our colleagues at Greater Manchester Mental Health NHS Foundation trust the latest Forensic Psychiatry bulletin is now available to view and download. Some articles are freely accessible, others require an Open Athens account. Please get in touch for support with this: academic.library@lscft.nhs.uk.

Perinatal Mental Health July 2024

Current Awareness

With thanks to our colleagues at Greater Manchester Mental Health NHS Foundation trust the latest Perinatal Mental Health bulletin is now available to view and download. Some articles are freely accessible, others require an Open Athens account. Please get in touch for support with this: academic.library@lscft.nhs.uk.

Celebrating South-Asian Heritage Month

From July 18th to August 17th, South-Asian Heritage Month is a time to celebrate the rich cultures, histories, and contributions of South Asian communities. This includes the vibrant traditions, languages, and histories from countries like India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Nepal, Bhutan, Maldives, and Afghanistan.

South-Asian Heritage Month reminds us of the strength in diversity and the importance of unity and inclusion. Participate in community events, explore new cultural experiences, and celebrate the rich heritage that South Asia offers.

Join us in celebrating South-Asian Heritage Month and embrace the beauty of diversity!

Neurorehabilitation and Neuropsychiatry Bulletin July 2024

With thanks to our colleagues at Cumbria, Northumberland, Tyne and Wear NHS Foundation trust the latest Neurorehabilitation and Neuropsychiatry Bulletin is now available to view and download. Some articles are freely accessible, others require an Open Athens account. Please get in touch for support with this: academic.library@lscft.nhs.uk.

Eating Disorder Bulletin June/July 2024

The latest Eating Disorder Bulletin is now available to view or download. Some articles are freely accessible, others require an Open Athens account. Please get in touch for support with this: academic.library@lscft.nhs.uk.

Public Health

Current Awareness

Source: KnowledgeShare

Menstrual education programs for girls and young women with intellectual and developmental disabilities: A systematic review. [Abstract]
Randall KN. Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities
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[Nine studies were included. All reported significant improvements in participant skills and/or knowledge following the intervention. Only one study addressed self-agency and self-esteem as an outcome of the intervention. Further research is needed to understand the impact of menstrual health and hygiene education on variables apart from skill improvement such as self-agency and long-term health outcomes related to menstrual health.]

Community health services explained.
The King’s Fund; 2024.
[Compared with other parts of the NHS, community health services are often poorly understood by policy-makers, national and local health service leaders, and staff working in other parts of the system, and have not always received the same national profile as the rest of the NHS. The way these services are structured and delivered is complicated, and as a result, data about them is hard to aggregate. In this explainer we outline what we know about community health services in England.]

Pre-existing sleep disturbances and risk of COVID-19: a meta-analysis.
Zhou J. eClinicalMedicine 2024;:https://doi.org/10.1016/j.eclinm.2024.102719.
[Sleep disturbances are widespread but usually overlooked health risk factors for coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). Pre-existing sleep disturbances, especially OSA, increased the risk of COVID-19 susceptibility, hospitalization, mortality, and long COVID. Age and sex played important roles in the effect of sleep disturbances on COVID-19.]

First episode psychosis caregiver perspectives on motivational interviewing for loved ones training: A qualitative study. [Abstract]
Ipekci B. Early Intervention in Psychiatry 2024;18(7):553-560.
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[BACKGROUND: Past research has found that family involvement in psychosis treatment leads to better patient outcomes. Thus, caregiver communication skills training can be a viable approach to reducing caregiver stress and increasing self-efficacy and communication.]

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