Allied Health Professions Day

Friday 14 October 2022

AHPs are the third largest healthcare workforce, with significant opportunities to support delivery of the NHS Long Term Plan. AHPs’ Day is an annual opportunity for AHPs to come together and celebrate being part of the AHP family, and the day gives an opportunity to showcase to others the impact they make to the delivery of high quality care. The collaborations in services, organisations, trusts, regions and nationally enable:

  • Improved awareness of the role of the fourteen allied health professions
  • Showcasing the achievements of local services and their impact on patient care and population health
  • Integrated working with other services and organisations.

Read more here

Health and Care

LGBTQ+ inclusion framework

The LGBTQ+ population in the UK experiences significant physical and mental health inequalities compared with the general population. These inequalities extend from increased risk factors for ill health and barriers to accessing health care and support, to discrimination against LGBTQ+ staff within the workplace. This framework comprises six key pillars of inclusivity that organisations should aim to build to create and maintain inclusive cultures: visible leadership and confident staff; a strong knowledge base; being non-heteronormative and non-cisnormative; collecting and reporting data; listening to service users; and proactively seeking out partners to co-deliver services.

Public Health

Current Awareness

Sexual assault has lasting effects on teenagers’ mental health and education.
NIHR Evidence; 2022.
(The mental and physical health symptoms reported in this study were higher than in the general population. Young people who had been involved with social services, or who had mental health problems before the assault had worse mental health problems and worse school attendance afterwards. Sexual assault can therefore increase health inequalities in this already vulnerable group.)

Autistic people’s healthcare information strategy for England.
NHS England; 2022.
(This document sets out an initial strategy for the development of information about the health of, and health care received by people with autism in England, from sources already collected or being established. It proposes the development of three dashboards, setting out statistics for: autism diagnosis services and transition from child to adult services; long-term health conditions, healthcare use and mortality for autistic people; more intensive inputs from mental health services.)

Suicide prevention – priorities in the next decade.
(Consultant psychiatrist JS Bamrah speaks to Professor Louis Appleby, who leads the National Suicide Prevention Strategy for England and directs the National Confidential Inquiry into Suicide and Homicide by People with Mental Illness. The webinar will cover current suicide prevention priorities, tying in with the recently announced suicide prevention strategy from the UK Government, before answering questions from the chair and audience. The event is open to BMA members and non-members.)

Food poverty: households, food banks and free school meals
House of Commons Library; 2022.
(There is no widely accepted definition of ‘food poverty’. However, a household can broadly be defined as experiencing food poverty or ‘household food insecurity’ if they cannot (or are uncertain about whether they can) acquire “an adequate quality or sufficient quantity of food in socially acceptable ways”. The increase in the cost of living has increased household food insecurity.)

Library Bulletin

Serious Mental Illness Bulletin

With thanks to our colleagues at Greater Manchester Mental Health NHS Trust, the latest edition of the Serious Mental Illness Bulletin is now available to view and download.

Some articles are freely accessible, but others may require an Open Athens account. For any support accessing the articles or support with your Athens account please contact;

Long Covid

A framework for nursing, midwifery, and care staff

This framework supports nurses, midwives and care staff in ensuring care remains at a high standard, as well as demonstrating the contribution to the long Covid response. It aims to give the opportunity to embrace collective leadership in supporting people and communities served and showcase good practice as it emerges across England.

Nursing and Midwifery Council

Internationally trained professionals joining the NMC register: 1 April 2021–31 March 2022

This analysis reveals that the profile of international professionals registered in 2021–2022 is very different from UK joiners and the register they joined. They’re more likely to be men and they’re much more likely to be ethnically diverse. The NMC is calling on health and care employers to fully support internationally trained professionals into UK practice – and join with UK-trained nurses and midwives to create the most inclusive environment possible.

To find out more click here.

Library Bulletin

Community mental health services

With thanks to our colleagues at Greater Manchester Mental Health NHS Foundation Trust the April bulletin for community mental heath services is now available to view and download here.

The links to abstracts have been activated in this bulletin and if you click on the title, it will lead you to the abstract.  

Some of the references contained in the bulletin may be an Open Access reference, which will be available for you download and some may be available to download via a LSCFT Athens Account login. Some of the references may be an abstract only, and the full text will have to be requested directly from the library- please contact with your request.