Covid 19 and Mental Health

The parallel pandemic

Source: Northern Health Science Alliance (NHSA) and NIHR

This report, produced together with the northern National Institute for Health and Care Research Applied Research Collaborations (NIHR ARCs), shows that a parallel pandemic of mental ill health has hit the north of England with a £2 billion cost to the country at the same time as the Covid-19 pandemic. Mental health in England was hit badly over the course of the Covid-19 pandemic. But people in the north performed significantly worse in their mental health outcomes compared to those in the rest of the country.

A community-powered NHS

Making prevention a reality

Source: The King’s Fund

This report finds that by moving towards community-powered health –working collaboratively with communities as equal partners in the design and delivery of health care – can help make prevention a reality, protect the NHS’s future and improve health for all.

LSCFT Research Bulletin

Latest Edition

The July edition of the LSCFT research bulletin is now available to view and download. This showcases some of the work our colleagues have been involved in.

If you are conducting your own research and would like to feature in our next bulletin please send your work or citation to:

The Health Foundation

NHS Workforce Projections 2022

Source: The King’s Fund

This analysis shows that the NHS in England could face a shortfall of around 38,000 full time equivalent (FTE) registered nurses by 2023/24 relative to the numbers needed to deliver pre-pandemic levels of care. This is despite the expectation that the government could meet its own target of recruiting an additional 50,000 FTE registered NHS nurses by the end of the parliament. It argues that the government needs to acknowledge the growing demand for care driven by an ageing population and an increased number of people with complex health conditions. It also explores potential gaps in the nursing workforce over a longer time period beyond the next election.

Library Bulletins

Community Health and Depression

The current bulletins for Community Health and Depression, produced by Merseycare NHS Foundation Trust, are now available to view and download.

For support accessing any of the articles within the bulletins please contact:

Resource of the Month


ORCHA (the Organisation for the Review of Care and Health Applications) is an online app library, giving you the opportunity to download, share and recommend health and care related apps.

With thousands of health and care apps available on the market, it can be hard to decide which apps are reliable and trustworthy.

  • ORCHA only include apps which have been reviewed against best practice criteria.
  • This allows you to map apps for either your personal or professional needs.
  • Simply search for the app you are looking for or browse the contents.
  • Save the apps to your favourites or recommend to others (including patients via a text/email or APP code).
  • Access the Digitial Health Academy for bite size training videos to gain new skills and CPD points.

It’s easy to sign up. Visit: In the top right corner – click ‘Sign up’ and enter your details. Upgrade your account with the code: LSCFT01 to access the Digital Health Academy.

Please feel free to download our resource of the month poster and share with your team or within your department.

Public Health

Current Awareness Updates

Tackling mental health disparities.
Centre for Mental Health; 2022.
(The pandemic is accompanied by a rise in demand for mental health services. Even before the pandemic, mental ill health was one of the most prevalent forms of illness. Inequalities mean that while it is true that anyone can experience mental illness, the risks are much higher for certain groups who experience structural discrimination and disadvantage. Tackling mental health disparities shares ten evidence-based actions that the Government could take in the forthcoming white paper.)

Grassroots participation in sport and physical activity.
National Audit Office (NAO); 2022.
(This report examines how far the Department for Digital, Culture, Media & Sport and Sport England have achieved value for money in their spending on grassroots sport and physical activity amongst those aged 16 and over, and have supported value for money in the system-wide spending across government. We consider the decade since the London 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games, with a particular focus on the period since 2015, when government launched its Sporting Future strategy.)

Menopause and the workplace: how to enable fulfilling working lives: government response Department for work and pensions; July 2022 This report lays out the government’s response to the recommendations made in the independent report Menopause and the workplace, published in November 2021. This report aimed to bring about comprehensive change and support for those experiencing the menopause, in key areas of government policy, employer practice, and wider societal and financial change.

The rollout of the Covid-19 vaccine programme in England House of Commons Comittee of Public Accounts; July 2022 This report calls for efforts to be redoubled to reach those not vaccinated or fully vaccinated as it warns that nearly three million adults in England are unvaccinated against Covid-19. It finds that comparatively low vaccination rates persist in many vulnerable groups and have even dropped further for some. It calls for NHS England and UKHSA to urgently evaluate which methods are most effective for increasing uptake, including fresh approaches to tackle the persistent low uptake observed in some ethnic groups.

Creating a smoke-free South Yorkshire and Bassetlaw integrated care system  NHS Confederation; June 2022 This case study details a smoking cessation programme in South Yorkshire and Bassetlaw that aims to saves lives, decrease health inequalities and reduce hospital re-admissions by making effective treatment for tobacco addiction part of the routine care offered in hospitals.

Royal College of Psychiatry

National Clinical Audit of Psychosis: England national report for the Early Intervention in Psychosis Audit 2021/2022

Source: The King’s Fund

Based on data from 10,557 case notes submitted by 54 trusts in England, this audit report presents national and organisation-level findings on services provided to people with first-episode psychosis (FEP). The report commends teams for maintaining early intervention in psychosis (EIP) service delivery at a high level in the context of the Covid-19 pandemic. It found that 66 per cent of teams had an increase in staff in the past year. The report also looked at the disparities in EIP care between different groups of people with FEP to highlight inequalities.

Library Newsletter

August 2022

Take a look at our latest newsletter including some highlights of the month and our resource of the month – ORCHA (app library). For any support or advice relating to news from this month, please get in touch with