Reducing stress

A science based app for meditation and mindfulness

Headspace aims to support people to reduce stress, build resilience and aid better sleep.

Even better… they are offering free access to their app to all NHS staff until the 31st December. Simply sign up here with your NHS email account.

Top tips for telephone triage and video consulting

Resources to support your practice

Total triage is important to reduce avoidable footfall in practices and reduce the risk and spread of infection. How to establish a remote total triage model in GP using online consultations available here.

Support for telephone and video consulting, GP’s, dentists, mental heath patients and cancer patients can be accessed here.

Flexible working for nurses

Guidance highlighting what nurses look for in a flexible role

This guide is aimed at supporting organisations to increase the uptake of flexible working among nurses. It explains:

  • business cases for improving opportunities for nurses to work flexibly
  • the basic principles
  • what it can look like in practice
  • practical tips
  • examples of how trusts have used flexible working to support successful retention of the nursing workforce

For more information or resources linked to this guide click here.

Digital health and care conference

A virtual conference for the digital revolution

The Kings Fund are holding a virtual conference from Monday 2nd November to Thursday 5th November, which will bring together top experts from the NHS and other parts of the digital health system to discuss the lessons learned and next steps after the Covid-19 pandemic.

The conference, along with other topics, will include:

  • the role of leadership in a time of crisis
  • the role of digital solutions
  • how to engage with health care staff and prepare them for the digital work environment

To find out more and see the full programme click here.

This virtual conference will take place over four half-days from Monday 2 November. You can join the short, interactive sessions live or catch up later on demand.

Register before Sunday 20th September for early bird rates.

The Mental Elf

An online resource to keep up to date with mental health research and guidance

Mental heath experts summarise evidence based publications relevant to mental health practice.

They find key guidance, systematic reviews and high quality research and reports to help make your practice more evidence based.

You can also join evidence based journal clubs interactive webinars targeted at your field, or suggest a paper to be discussed.

Best of all, their work is free to read and access.

To access click this link.

Technology and innovation for long term health conditions

Independent Report commissioned by the Academic Health Science Network

The case studies highlighted in the report illustrate how digital technology may have the potential to transform care, build stronger relationships and work effectively as a team in order to support patients.

The paper also makes us question the changes of online services due to COVID-19, encouraging us to discuss the impact of these changes and whether services could be redesigned for the better.

To read the full report click here.

Psychological Therapies

Annual report on the use of IAPT services 2019-2020

The publication contains analyses on activity, waiting times and outcomes such as recovery in 2019-20. In addition, the report covers a range of demographic analyses including outcomes for patients of different ages, ethnic group and separately for ex-British Armed Forces personnel.

Key facts include;

  • 1.69 million referrals to talking therapies
  • 87.4% started treatment within 6 weeks
  • 1.17 million referrals started treatment
  • 6.9 sessions of treatment on average
  • 606,192 referrals completed course of treatment
  • 51.1% referrals moved to recovery

To read the full report or find out more information click here.