Leadership in the time of crisis
In this article Sam Foster, Chief Nurse, Oxford University Hospitals, considers what leaders need to do in this time of COVID-19
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In this article Sam Foster, Chief Nurse, Oxford University Hospitals, considers what leaders need to do in this time of COVID-19
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Objective leadership is associated with organisational performance in healthcare, including quality, safety and clinical outcomes for patients. Leadership development programmes have proliferated in recent years. Nevertheless very few have examined participant experiences in depth in order to understand which programmatic aspects they regard as most valuable relative to leadership in increasingly complex systems, or whether and how learnings may sustain over time. This article explores experiences of participants in an interdisciplinary leadership development programme using qualitative methods over an extended look-back period.
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A package of wellbeing measures has been launched as part of a bid to support the health service’s 1.4 million staff as they work to tackle the Coronavirus.
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NHS Providers, the NHS Confederation, the Local Government Association and NHS Clinical Commissioners have led a programme of work to help share learning from the vanguards with the rest of the health and care system. This is a compilation of a series of briefings, reports, case studies, podcasts and blogs which consider the key achievements and legacy of the vanguards.
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Guidance on how to protect yourself, what you should expect from your employer and what to do if you have concerns.
For up to date advice visit the website here
Guidance and information on the emerging situation with Coronavirus and College activities
Read the latest information here
This briefing provides information about the evidence on active mile initiatives, ideas for how to implement them and examples of practice. It is aimed at public health teams, schools and commissioners.
Read the briefing here
First awarded in March 2017, the Jhalak Prize seeks to celebrate books by British/British resident BAME writers. The prize is unique in that it accepts entries published in the UK by writers of colour. These include (and not limited to) fiction, non-fiction, short stories, graphic novels, poetry, children’s books, YA, teen and all other genres. The prize is also open to self-published writers.
See the shortlist here
This paper describes the essential role of place-based approaches in taking forward the NHS reform agenda. Based on interviews with senior leaders, it seeks to provide further insight into how local systems can make progress in designing and delivering place-based, integrated care. In particular, it describes what system leaders can do to make this happen.
Read the paper here