Education and Training on Critical Care

In Southport Critical Care we are passionate about carrying out the best care for our patients. This requires a multi-faceted approach to education. In addition to courses and the Critical Care Competency Framework we run Clinical Skills days every month.  We use simulation to support our staff in learning about high impact issues such as proning and emergency airway management.


We are lucky enough to be able to loan a simulation mannequin to facilitate this learning which enables the staff to work together through any issues that may arise, without compromise to patient care.

(Click on images for larger view)

Safety and Service Improvement

We also explore any issues that arise through Datix (our Incident Reporting database) and our monthly safety meetings, incorporating changes to practice and disseminate this through our staff.

We inform our staff of new innovations, update on key changes and reinforce critical care specific mandatory training. (Click on each image for larger view)

Team work

ABC FilesHigh importance is attached to teamwork and leadership skills and Human Factors awareness through out the day.  Our team of Educators includes Physiotherapy, the Trust Resuscitation Officer, the Outreach Team, the Clinical Educator and our own staff who are developing their skills in education and training.

On-call Physiotherapy Training Booklet 2018


IMG_2106We follow the national step competencies for nurse development so starting at step 1 for the newest members of staff through to step 4 for our senior leaders and co- ordinators. We recognise that learning is a lifelong commitment and provide support from the education team within the unit but also engage with Trust development initiatives such as our older persons care study days. All our staff rotate onto the clinical skills days. Assistant practitioners and health care assistants have their own development packages and bespoke training days. We use a standardised ABCDE approach to both patient care and educational organisation