Critical Care Unit Update – 18.07.2023

Following guidance from our Infection Prevention and Control Team (IPC) we are now mask free on Critical Care. We continue to  maintain the highest of standards of care for our patients and will continue to follow current guidance for use of personal protective equipment. (PPE)

Critical Care continues to provide a 4 bedded Post operative Critical Care Unit (POCCU), a 6 bedded High Dependency Unit (HDU) & a 5 bedded Intensive Care Unit (ITU).

Visiting hours are from 2pm – 7pm, Allowing 2 visitors at a time but these can be different throughout the day. We ask that children under 16 do not visit, unless exceptional circumstances agreed by Ward Manager or Matron.

We are very proud of our Critical Care and our multi disciplinary team who aim to provide excellent care for our patients and their families.


Kerry Critchley

Ward Manager