Review of Operational Productivity in NHS providers – Department of Health

This interim report outlines the work that has been carried out by Lord Carter of Coles to review the productivity of NHS hospitals, working with a group of 22 NHS providers.   The size of the NHS means that by doing several small things better, huge savings are possible to help achieve that aim. These include:

  • better management of staff, rotas and shifts
  • improving the management of annual leave and sickness absence
  • optimising the medicines used in hospitals
  • cutting the number of product lines of every day consumables that the NHS uses from more than 500,000 to less than 10,000 and being better at procurement – this could save up to £1 billion by 2020.

Additonal ItemHospital productivity report shows how NHS can make large savings – Department of Health

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Dear Boss: Your Team Wants You to Go on Vacation – Harvard Business Review

Over the past decade, a staggering number of studies have demonstrated that our work performance plummets when we work prolonged periods without a break. We know that overworked employees are prone to mood swings, impulsive decision-making, and poor concentration. They’re more likely to lash out at perceived slights and struggle to empathize with colleagues. Worse still, they are prone to negativity — and that negativity is contagious.

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Are We More Productive When We Have More Time Off? – Harvard Business Review

Finds that  employees in countries that take more vacation do have a strong desire to get a lot done as well as a tendency to move faster. , This study shows that it’s not that taking a break will refresh your brain and let you get more done; it’s that simply spending less time at your desk forces you to waste less time.

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